アルツハイマー病の予防と回復 第7章「詳細な方法論」





Ronald N. Kostoff a, Yi Zhang b , Jing Ma c, Alan L. Porter d, Henry. A. Buchtel e




CC BYライセンスの詳細については、http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ この作品はクリエイティブ・コモンズ表示4.0国際ライセンスの下でライセンスされている。






アルツハイマー病の予防と回復 各章
アルツハイマー病の予防と回復 序文・目次・要旨
PREVENTION AND REVERSAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Ronald N. Kostoff a, Yi Zhang b , Jing Ma c, Alan L. Porter d, Henry. A. Buchtel e (a) 米国ジョージ
アルツハイマー病の予防と回復 第1章「序論」第2章「概要・手法」第3章「概要・結果」
PREVENTION AND REVERSAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Ronald N. Kostoff a, Yi Zhang b , Jing Ma c, Alan L. Porter d, Henry. A. Buchtel e クリエイティブ・コモ
アルツハイマー病の予防と回復 第4章「議論と結論」第5章「推奨される追加調査」
PREVENTION AND REVERSAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Ronald N. Kostoff a, Yi Zhang b , Jing Ma c, Alan L. Porter d, Henry. A. Buchtel e クリエイティブ・コモ
アルツハイマー病の予防と回復 第6章「背景」
Ronald N. Kostoff a, Yi Zhang b , Jing Ma c, Alan L. Porter d, Henry. A. Buchtel e クリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンス(翻訳) この作品は、原著作者にクレジットが与えられていることを条件に、どのよ
アルツハイマー病の予防と回復 第7章「詳細な方法論」
PREVENTION AND REVERSAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Ronald N. Kostoff a, Yi Zhang b , Jing Ma c, Alan L. Porter d, Henry. A. Buchtel e クリエイティブ・コモ
アルツハイマー病の予防と回復 第8章「詳細なアルツハイマー病の原因」
PREVENTION AND REVERSAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Ronald N. Kostoff a, Yi Zhang b , Jing Ma c, Alan L. Porter d, Henry. A. Buchtel e クリエイティブ・コモ
アルツハイマー病の予防と回復 第9章「古典的アルツハイマー病論文」
PREVENTION AND REVERSAL OF ALZHEIMER'S DISEASE Ronald N. Kostoff a, Yi Zhang b , Jing Ma c, Alan L. Porter d, Henry. A. Buchtel e クリエイティブ・コモ


第7章 詳細な方法論

7A. アルツハイマー病の基礎原因を特定するための方法論

7A1. 概要



7A2. データベース/サーチエンジンの選択


7A3. 視覚的検査コンポーネント

クエリー用語の候補を定義するために、約10万件のMedlineレコードからなるアルツハイマー病コア文献をして調べた。アルツハイマー病コア文献のレコードに関連する頻度の高いMeSH用語を手動で調べ、基礎的な原因に関連していると思われるMeSH用語を関連性について評価した。名目上、各原因候補の MeSH 用語を含む 10 個のレコードを調査し、関連性が約 70%以上であれば、その MeSH 用語を選択した。境界線上のケースでは、決定的な結論が得られるまで、より多くのMeSH用語をサンプリングした。関連性があるということは、原因の一致やコンセンサスが得られたことを意味するものではない。多数派との不一致は、不十分な研究、あらかじめ決められたアジェンダを持つ研究(例えば、[1、 2])、または原因が操作可能な場所とは異なるパラメータ空間の「ウィンドウ」の選択に起因している可能性がある。しかし、与えられたMeSH用語について、サンプルした論文のうちのいくつかで原因が操作可能であることが判明した場合、その用語はクエリのために選択するのに十分に重要であると判断された。


低頻度の MeSH 用語の候補は、高頻度の用語との強い共起により同定され、低頻度の用語はその後検証された。次に、これらの高頻度・低頻度のMeSH用語を含むレコードを集めた別のデータベースを作成した。この新しいデータベースでは、頻度の高いAbstractフレーズを検討し、潜在的な原因に関連していると思われるものについて、関連性を評価した。原因となる MeSH 用語の選択と同様の手順を踏んだ。高頻度のアブストラクトフレーズと、原因に関連する一般的なアブストラクトフレーズ(expos*、induc*など)を、すべてのアブストラクトフレーズとマトリックス化して、低頻度のフレーズ候補を強く共起して特定した。

最終的に、すべてのMeSH用語を読み込んで検討し、共起手順で見逃した低頻度の用語をリストに追加した。Abstract フレーズについても同様のことができなかった。数千の MeSH 用語があったのに対し、Abstract フレーズは何百万もの用語があった。



原因クエリの例:a. Producesに近い原因: steroid-induc* or diet-induc* OR antibiotic near/1 cause*. これらは、Producing型の用語に近接した潜在的な原因のクラスの一般的または特定のメンバーである。このクラスは、薬物、食事、化学物質、放射線源などである傾向がある。薬物、食事などは状況に応じて有益なものも有害なものもあり得るので、Producing型用語は必要である(例えば、化学療法薬はがんの治療には有用であるが、認知機能の低下をもたらす可能性もある)。

b. 症状:原因* near/5 “認知機能低下” NOT “認知機能低下の原因*”

c. 症状に近い原因。タイトルに「*Bacterium」または「pentachloro*」、タイトルに「Symptom」または「MeSH」のいずれかを含む。

Abstracts を検索する場合は、より強い近接条件が必要となる。


上記についての注釈。使用されたモデルは[cause-produce-symptom]であったが、もう少し広い形にすることもできる。このうち、Symptom は副作用を表現する一つの方法である。

このように、タイトルの「toxic*」や「adverse effect*」、「害*」は、タイトルやMeSHのSymptomと一緒に、それ自体で、原因とそれが持つ効果を伴う傾向がある。

さらに、原因を扱った多くの研究論文では、[cause-activates/inhibits/blocks-signaling pathway(s)]という言葉が使われている(例:”MicroRNA-222 promote tumorigenesis via targeting DKK2 and activating the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway”)。シグナル伝達経路は本研究ではクエリの一部としては使用されなかったが、将来のより包括的で十分なリソースを有する研究では、クエリにシグナル伝達経路を含めることが可能であり、それらを組み込むことは容易であろう。多くの研究論文、特により基礎的な生物学的レベルでは、疾患や症状には言及していないが、シグナリング経路への影響という言語で書かれている場合があり、これらの論文は適切に書かれたクエリーによってアクセスすることができる。この場合のループを閉じるためには、変化したシグナル伝達経路とアルツハイマー病またはその代替エンドポイントのいずれかとの間のリンクが確立されなければならない。

使用された最終的なクエリは、セクション7A-付録1に示されている。トムソン・メドラインのアルツハイマー病コア文献(1994年から 2014年まで)は7663件のレコードで構成されており、この文献とクエリ用語の交点から10733件のレコードが得られた。直近の5、000件を目視で検査し、関連する基礎的な原因を抽出した。

7A4. 合理化されたコンポーネント

7A4a. 概要

2015. 3つの合理化されたサブコンポーネントが、アルツハイマー病の基礎的原因を抽出するために、このされた文献に適用された。



7A4b. MeSH ベースのアプローチ
7A4b1. MeSH修飾子のアプローチ

基礎的な原因を特定するために、MeSH Qualifier のコンセプトのオフシュートが使用された。MeSHの見出しには、関心のある項目に焦点を当てることができるように、いくつかの修飾子が関連付けられている。したがって、MeSH用語「カドミウム/毒性」では、カドミウムの毒性に関連する記録を検索することができる。これらのMeSH修飾語は、用語をMeSH見出しにリンクさせて、所望の基準を満たすMeSH見出しを「外科的」に抽出することを可能にしていると認識されるかもしれない。このように、基礎的な原因に強く関連する MeSH修飾語が特定できれば、疾患の潜在的な基礎的な原因である MeSH 見出しを特定するために使用することができる。

この概念が開発された際には、MeSH 見出し記述子と組み合わせて使用された。83のすべてが、疾患の基礎的な原因を特定するための適用可能性について、より詳細に検討された。最初の視覚的検査アプローチのクエリでは、化学的誘発性、毒性、中毒の3つを分離して使用した場合に関連する結果が得られるとして選択された。



7A4b2. MeSH 見出しアプローチ

の方法で検討した。第一に、過去の研究、特に[1、2]の結果を調べ、関連する MeSH 見出しを抽出した。第二に、過去の研究から特定された最も曖昧性のない MeSH 用語のうちのいくつかをクエリ用語として Pubmed に入力し、検索結果に含まれるすべての MeSH 用語(すなわち、入力された MeSH 用語と共起したもの)の関連性を調べた。関連性のあるMeSH用語の最終リスト(7A-付録2)を、検索されたデータベース内のMeSH用語の総リストと交差させ、結果として得られたレコードについて、潜在的なアルツハイマー病の基礎的原因について調べた。繰り返しになるが、この焦点を絞ったMeSH見出しアプローチは潜在的な基礎原因を特定するために開発されたが、それは(いくつかの作業で)潜在的な治療法、潜在的なバイオマーカー、潜在的なメカニズムなどを特定するために適応させることができた。

7A4c. テキストベースのアプローチ
7A4c1. タイトルリンクフレーズのアプローチ

MeSH用語の制限(すべてのMedlineレコードにMeSH記述子があるわけではない、MeSH用語があるレコードにすべてのMeSH用語が含まれているわけではない、使用されているすべてのMeSH記述子に適切な修飾子が付けられているわけではない、など)のため、原因を特定するためのテキストベースのアプローチが分析に追加された。1)タイトルに比べてレコードのアブストラクトに含まれるフレーズの数が多いこと、2)コンピュータのストレージとソフトウェアの制限のため、分析の大部分はタイトルのフレーズに基づいて行われた。より限定的な分析がアブストラクトフレーズに対して実行され、セクション7A4c3 ・アブストラクト


また、タイトルに含まれる基礎的な原因を調べ、基礎的な原因に関連して頻繁に登場する用語を特定した。これらのリンク用語には以下が含まれる。-誘発された;原因となった;誘発された;汚染された;暴露された;暴露(s) [フレーズの最後に];暴露された;中毒[最後に];-exposed [最後に];-related; -associated; -infected; abuse*; toxicity. リンク語を含むフレーズは、最終的には、特定の基礎的原因を特定するために、リンク語から分離しなければならなかった。他のリンク用語には、ウイルス*や一般的な細菌の見出しがあったが、これらはフレーズから分離する必要はなかった。

7A4c2. タイトルドット製品のアプローチ

最後に、無数の他の情報源(過去の原因研究、政府が承認した有害物質リスト、MeSH 由来の原因など)からの潜在的な原因を、タイトル フレーズの完全なリストと交差させ、リンキングフレーズアプローチで特定された潜在的な原因に追加した。


7A4c3 ・要約リンクフレーズのアプローチ





7A5 ・潜在的な基礎的原因の検証


Thomson Medline検索エンジンが検証に使用された主な手段であったが、いくつかのケースではThomson Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI)を使用しなければならず、ごく少数のケースではPubmedが使用された。2つのコンポーネントからなるクエリが検索エンジンに入力された。最初のコンポーネントは、中核的なアルツハイマー病文献をカバーしていた。TitleまたはMeSHにAlzheimer*またはdementiaと記載されていた。第二の構成要素は、検証されるべき潜在的な基礎的原因(例えば、喫煙)であった。2つの構成要素は交差しており(例えば、(アルツハイマー* OR 認知症)AND喫煙)、検索された記録の一部/全部が読まれた。潜在的な基礎的原因とアルツハイマー病の直接または代替エンドポイントとの関連性の証拠を批判的に評価した。これは、毒性刺激の副作用が過少に報告されたり、誤報告されたりする可能性があるという事実に加えて、困難なプロセスであった [1]。


7A ・付録 1 ・アルツハイマー病 原因クエリ ・目視検査アプローチ

I. 中核となる文献検索 Thomson Medline 76663件の文献を検索した。

MESH HEアルツハイマー病ING
Alzheimer Disease
(streptozotocin OR scopolamine OR colchicine OR LPS-induc* OR polymorphism* OR Abeta-induc*OR “beta-amyloid-induc*” OR “amyloid-beta-induc*” OR “beta-amyloid peptide-induc*” OR “Abeta25-35-induc*” OR “Abeta25-35 peptide-induc*” OR Abeta40-induc* OR nontoxic OR non-toxic)


(“2,4,6- triiodobenzoic acid” OR “3-deazaneplanocin A” OR “5AZA” OR “5-aza-deoxycytidine” OR “5-fluorouracil” OR “9-alpha fluorocortisol” OR “9-alpha fluoroprednisolone” OR “9-hydroxy-2-methylellipticinium” OR “acarbose” OR “ACE inhibitor*” OR “acetaminophen” OR “acetazolamide” OR “acetylsalicylic acid” OR “acyclovir” OR “adalimumab” OR “adefovir” OR “adriamycin” OR “alclofenac” OR “aliskiren” OR “alizapride” OR “allopurinol” OR “all-trans-retinoic acid” OR “alpha-mercaptopropionylglycine” OR “amikacin” OR “Aminoglycoside*” OR “Amiodarone” OR “amitriptyline” OR “amlodipine” OR “amoxicillin” OR “amphetamine*” OR “amphotericin b” OR “ampicillin” OR “ampiroxicam” OR “anabolic steroid*” OR “Anaesthetic*” OR “Analgesic*” OR “anasthesia” OR “androgen deprivation therapy” OR “anesthetic*” OR “anthracycline” OR “antiadrenergic agent*” OR “anti-adrenergic agent*” OR “antiadrenergic drug*” OR “anti-adrenergic drug*” OR “antiallergic agent*” OR “Anti-Allergic agent*” OR “antiallergic drug*” OR “Anti-Allergic drug*” OR “antiandrogen* agent*” OR “anti-androgen* agent*” OR “antiandrogen* drug*” OR “antiandrogen* drug*” OR “antianginal agent*” OR “anti-anginal agent*” OR “antianginal drug*” OR “antianginal drug*” OR “antiangiogenesis agent*” OR “anti-angiogenesis agent*” OR “antiangiogenesis drug*” OR “anti-angiogenesis drug*” OR “antiarrhythmic agent*” OR “antiarrhythmic drug*” OR “anti-arrythmatic agent*” OR “anti-arrythmatic drug*” OR “antiasthmatic agent*” OR “anti-asthmatic agent*” OR “antiasthmatic drug*” OR “anti-asthmatic drug*” OR “antibacterial agent*” OR “Anti-bacterial agent*” OR “antibacterial drug*” OR “Anti-bacterial drug*” OR “antibiotic*” OR “antibone-loss agent*”OR “Anti-Bone-Loss agent*” OR “antibone-loss drug*” OR “Anti-Bone-Loss drug*” OR “anticholinergic agent*” OR “anti-cholinergic agent*” OR “anti-cholinergic drug*” OR “anticholinergic* drug*” OR “anticoagulant*” OR “Anti-coagulant*” OR “anticonvulsant*” OR “anti-convulsant*” OR “antidepressant*” OR “anti-depressant*” OR “Antidiabetic agent*” OR “anti-diabetic agent*” OR “Antidiabetic drug*” OR “anti-diabetic drug*” OR “antidiarrheal agent*” OR “anti-diarrheal agent*” OR “antidiarrheal drug*” OR “anti-diarrheal drug*” OR “anti-emetic” OR “antiemetic*” OR “antifungal agent*” OR “anti-fungal agent*” OR “antifungal drug*” OR “anti-fungal drug*” OR “antigonadotropic agent*” OR “anti-gonadotropic agent*” OR “antigonadotropic drug*” OR “anti-gonadotropic drug*” OR”antigout agent*” OR “anti-gout agent*” OR “antigout drug*” OR “anti-gout drug*” OR “antihistamine agent*” OR “anti-histamine agent*” OR “antihistamine drug*” OR “anti-histamine drug*” OR “Antihypertensive agent*” OR “anti-hypertensive agent*” OR “Antihypertensive drug*” OR “antihypertensive drug*” OR “antiinfective agent*” OR “Anti-Infective agent*” OR “antiinfective drug*” OR “Anti-Infective drug*” OR “anti-infective*” OR “antiinflammatory agent*” OR “Anti-Inflammatory agent*” OR “antiinflammatory drug*” OR “Anti-Inflammatory drug*” OR “antimalarial agent*” OR “anti-malarial agent*” OR “antimalarial drug*” OR “anti-malarial drug*” OR “antimetabolite agent*” OR “anti-metabolite agent*” OR “antimetabolite drug*” OR “anti-metabolite drug*” OR “antimigraine agent*” OR “anti-migraine agent*” OR “antimigraine drug*” OR “anti-migraine drug*” OR “Antineoplastic Agent*” OR “anti-neoplastic agent*” OR “Antineoplastic drug*” OR “anti-neoplastic drug*” OR “antiparkinson agent*” OR “anti-parkinson agent*” OR “antiparkinson drug*” OR “antiparkinson drug*” OR “antiplatelet agent*” OR “anti-platelet agent*” OR “antiplatelet drug*” OR “antiplatelet drug*” OR “antipseudomonal agent*” OR “anti-pseudomonal agent*” OR “antipseudomonal drug*” OR “anti-pseudomonal drug*” OR “antipsoriatic agent*” OR “anti-psoriatic agent*” OR “antipsoriatic drug*” OR “anti-psoriatic drug*” OR “Antipsychotic Agent*” OR “Anti-psychotic agent*” OR “Antipsychotic drug*” OR “Anti-psychotic drug*” OR “Antiretroviral Agent*” OR “Anti-retroviral Agent*” OR “Antiretroviral drug*” OR “Antiretroviral drug*” OR “antiretroviral therapy” OR “Antirheumatic Agent*” OR “anti-rheumatic agent*” OR “Antirheumatic drug*” OR “anti-rheumatic drug*” OR “antiseptic agent*” OR “anti-septic agent*” OR “antiseptic drug*” OR “anti-septic drug*” OR “antispasmodic agent*” OR “anti-spasmodic agent*” OR “antispasmodic drug*” OR “anti-spasmodic drug*” OR “anti-thymocyte serum” OR “Antithyroid Agent*” OR “Anti-thyroid Agent*” OR “Antithyroid drug*” OR “Anti-thyroid drug*” OR “antitoxin*” OR “anti-toxin*” OR “antituberculosis agent*” OR “anti-tuberculosis agent*” OR “antituberculosis drug*” OR “anti-tuberculosis drug*” OR “antitussive agent*” OR “anti-tussive agent*” OR “antitussive drug*” OR “anti-tussive drug*” OR “antivenin*” OR “antivertigo agent*” OR “anti-vertigo agent*” OR “antivertigo drug*” OR “anti-vertigo drug*” OR “Antiviral agent*” OR “Anti-viral agent*” OR “Antiviral drug*” OR “Anti-viral drug*” OR “aprotinin” OR “aspirin” OR “AT1 receptor antagonists” OR “atazanavir” OR “atorvastatin” OR “axitinib” OR “azacitadine” OR “azathioprine” OR “azithromycin” OR “Azole*” OR “Barbiturate*” OR “bardoxolone methyl” OR “benfluorex” OR “benoxaprofen” OR “beta-lactam” OR “bevacizumab” OR “bezafibrate” OR “bisacodyl” OR “Bisphosphonate*” OR “Bleomycin” OR “bortezomib” OR “bucillamine” OR “bupivacaine” OR “buspirone” OR “caffeine” OR “calcineurin inhibitor*” OR “calcitriol” OR “Calcium Channel Blocker” OR “Calcium channel blocker*” OR “capecitabine” OR “captopril” OR “carbamazepine” OR “carbenoxolone” OR “carbimazole” OR “carboplatin” OR “Cardiovascular Agent*” OR “carmustine” OR “C-arylsuccinimides” OR “cediranib” OR “cefdinir” OR “cefoxitin” OR “ceftriaxone” OR “cefuroxime” OR “celecoxib” OR “Central Nervous System Agent*”OR “cephaloridine” OR “cephalosporins” OR “Cephems” OR “cetuximab” OR “chlorambucil” OR”Chloramphenicol” OR “chlormezanone” OR “chloroquine” OR “Chlorpromazine” OR “chlorprothixene” OR “chlorthalidone” OR “cidofovir” OR “cimetidine” OR “ciprofibrate” OR “ciprofloxacin” OR “cisplatin” OR “clarithromycin” OR “clometacin” OR “clomipramine” OR “clopentixol” OR “clopidogrel” OR “cloxacillin” OR “clozapine” OR “colchicine” OR “colistin” OR “contrast medium” OR “coronary artery bypass” OR “corosolic acid” OR “Corticosteroid*” OR “cyclophosphamide” OR “cycloserine” OR “cyclosporine” OR “cytarabine” OR “cytosine arabinoside” OR “dasatinib” OR “daunomycin” OR “daunorubicin” OR “decitabine” OR “deferasirox” OR “deferoxamine” OR “demeclocycline” OR “deoxycorticosterone acetate” OR “desipramine” OR “dexamethasone” OR “dexfenfluramine” OR “dexmethylphenidate” OR “dextran” OR “diaziquone” OR “diclofenac” OR “didecyldimethylammonium chloride” OR “diethyacetylurea” OR “diflunisal” OR “Digitalis” OR “diltiazem” OR “diphenylhydantoin” OR “diphosphonates” OR “dipivalyl adrenaline hydrochloride” OR “dipyrone” OR “disopyramide” OR “Diuretic*” OR “doxepin” OR “doxorubicin” OR “doxycycline” OR “d-penicillamine” OR “dRK6” OR “efavirenz” OR “enoxaparin” OR “epoetin” OR “erythromycin” OR “erythropoietin” OR “esomeprazole” OR “etanercept” OR “ethambutol” OR “ethosuximide” OR “famotidine” OR “fenbufen” OR “fenclofenac” OR “fenfluramine” OR “fenofibrate” OR “fenoldopam” OR “fenoprofen” OR “Fibrate therapy” OR “flubiprofen” OR “flucloxacillin” OR “fluindione” OR “Fluoroquinolones” OR “flupenthixol” OR “fluphenazine” OR “flurbiprofen” OR “flurithromycin” OR “fondaparinux sodium” OR “foscarnet” OR “furantoin” OR “furosemide” OR “fusidic acid” OR “FYX-051” OR “gabapentin” OR “gadodiamide” OR “Gadolinium” OR “gadopentetate dimeglumine” OR “Gastrointestinal Agent*” OR “gatifloxacin” OR “GBCA” OR “GCCA” OR “gefitinib” OR “gemcitabine” OR “gemfibrozil” OR “gentamicin” OR “germicide*” OR “Glucocorticoid*” OR “glycyrrhizinic acid” OR
“Haloperidol” OR “Halothane” OR “Hematologic Agent*” OR “heparin” OR “hetastarch” OR “high insulin” OR “hydralazine” OR “hydrochlorothiazide” OR “hydroxychloroquine” OR “hydroxyethylstarch”OR “hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA reductase inhibitor*” OR “hylan G-F 20” OR “Hypnotic Agent*” OR”iatrogenic” OR “ibuprofen” OR “ifosfamide” OR “IGF-1” OR “iloprost” OR “imatinib” OR”imipramine” OR “imiquimod” OR “Immunosuppressive Agent*” OR “indinavir” OR “indomethacin”OR “infliximab” OR “Interferon*” OR “intravenous immunoglobulin*” OR “Iodine” OR “iodixanol” OR”iohexol” OR “ionizing radiation” OR “iopamidol” OR “ioxilan” OR “iron sucrose” OR “iron-induced”OR “iron-overload” OR “isocarboxazid” OR “isoniazid” OR “isoprenaline” OR “ketamine” OR”Ketoconazole” OR “ketoprofen” OR “ketorolac” OR “lansoprazole” OR “lapatinib” OR “leflunomide”OR “levetiracetam” OR “levofloxacin” OR “Lipid Regulating Agent*” OR “lithium” OR “lopinavir” OR”loratadine” OR “loxapine” OR “mannitol” OR “maprotiline” OR “mefanamic acid” OR “meropenem”OR “mesalamine” OR “mesalazine” OR “mesoridazine” OR “metamizole” OR “metformin” OR”methicillin” OR “methimazole” OR “methocarbamol” OR “methotrexate” OR “methotrimeprazine” OR”methoxyflurance” OR “methyldopa” OR “methylphenidate” OR “methysergide” OR “metolazone” OR”metoprolol” OR “Metronidazole” OR “midecamycin acetate” OR “Mineralcorticoid*” OR “minocycline”OR “mirtazapine” OR “mitomycin” OR “Mood Stabilizer*” OR “morphine” OR “Movement Stabilizer*”OR “moxifloxacin” OR “Muscle Relaxant*” OR “Mustard gas” OR “muzolimine” OR “nafcillin” OR60″naphazoline hydrochloride” OR “naproxen” OR “N-arylsuccinimides” OR “Nasal decongestant*” OR”nelfinavir” OR “neomycin” OR “Niacin” OR “nifedipine” OR “niflumic acid” OR “nimesulide” OR”nitrendipine” OR “nitrofurantoin” OR “nitrogen mustard” OR “Nitroglycerin” OR “nitrosureas” OR”nomifensine” OR “Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug*” OR “norepinephrine” OR “norfloxacin” OR”nortriptyline” OR “NSAID*” OR “NVP-BKM120” OR “ofloxasin” OR “olanzapine” OR “olmetin” OR”olsalazine” OR “omeprazole” OR “orlistat” OR “oxaliplatin” OR “oxymetazoline hydrochloride” OR”oxytetracycline” OR “ozurdex” OR “paliperidone” OR “pamidronate” OR “panitumumab” OR”pantoprazole” OR “papaverine” OR “paracetamol” OR “paroxetine” OR “pazopanib” OR “pefloxacin”OR “Penams” OR “penicillamine” OR “penicillin” OR “pentamidine” OR “pentazocine” OR”pericyazine” OR “perphenazine” OR “phenacetin” OR “phenindione” OR “phenobarbital” OR”phenylbutazone” OR “phenylephrine” OR “phenylpropanolamine” OR “phenytoin” OR”phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase inhibitor*” OR “physostigmine” OR “pimozide” OR “piperacillin” OR”piroxicam” OR “pirprofen” OR “platalet aggregation inhibitor*” OR “polymyxin B” OR “pranlukast”OR “prednisolone” OR “Primaquine” OR “probenecid” OR “procainamide” OR “prochlorperazine” OR”propoxyphene” OR “propylthiouracil” OR “protamine” OR “Proton pump inhibitor*” OR “prulifloxacin”OR “pseudoephedrine hydrochloride” OR “ptu-induced” OR “puromycin” OR “quetiapine” OR”quinacrine” OR “quinidine” OR “quinine” OR “quinolone” OR “rabeprazole” OR “radiofrequency-induced cosmetic volume reduction” OR “ranitidine” OR “rapamycin” OR “rhuepo-induced” OR”rifampicin” OR “rifampin” OR “risperidone” OR “Ritalin” OR “ritodrine hydrochloride” OR “ritonavir”OR “rofecoxib” OR “rosuvastatin” OR “scopolamine” OR “selegiline” OR “sibutramine” OR”simvastatin” OR “sodium barbital” OR “sodium valproate” OR “sorafenib” OR “spirapril” OR”spironolactone” OR “Statin*” OR “Steroid*” OR “Stimulant*” OR “streptomycin” OR “streptozocin”OR “streptozotocin” OR “Succinimide derivative*” OR “sulfadiazine” OR “sulfamethoxazole” OR”sulfasalazine” OR “Sulfonamide*” OR “sulfonylureas” OR “sulfur mustard” OR “sulindac” OR”sulphinpyrazone” OR “sulpiride” OR “sunitinib” OR “superdrol” OR “tacrolimus” OR “Tamoxifen” OR”tazobactam” OR “telazol” OR “telithromycin” OR “tenofovir” OR “testosterone” OR “tetrabenazine” OR”Tetracycline*” OR “tetrahydrozoline hydrochloride” OR “tetrandrine” OR “thiazides” OR”thiopropazate” OR “thioproperazine” OR “Thioridazine” OR “thiothixene” OR “thrombolytic therapy”OR “ticlopidine” OR “tiletamine” OR “tiopronin” OR “tobramicin” OR “triamterene” OR “trichostatin A”OR “Tricyclics” OR “trimethadione” OR “trimethoprim” OR “trimipramine” OR “tripelennamine” OR”valdecoxib” OR “Valproic Acid” OR “valpromide” OR “vancomycin” OR “venlafaxine” OR “verapamil”OR “verteporfin” OR “warfarin” OR “whole-body irradiation” OR “wortmannin” OR “yohimbine” OR”zoledronate” OR “zopiclone” OR “zotepine” OR “zuclopenthixol” OR “4-HNE” OR “7-Ketocholesterol”OR “aflatoxin” OR “Aipysurus laevis venom” OR “amorimia exotropica” OR “anti-mouse-GBM sera”OR “AOPP-modified rat serum albumin” OR “apoferritin” OR “bee sting*” OR “beta-conglycinin” OR”bovine serum albumin” OR “cantharidin” OR “ceramide” OR “citrinin” OR “concanavalin A” OR”connective tissue growth factor” OR “cow milk processing” OR “CTGF” OR “cylindrospermopsin” OR”deoxynivalenol” OR “D-fructofuranosyl” OR “Endotoxin*” OR “Exotoxin*” OR “fumonisin B1″ OR”homopolysaccharide” OR “indican” OR “indoxyl sulfate” OR “levan” OR “lipopolysaccharide” OR”lipopolysaccharide-induced” OR “L-NAME” OR “L-NNA” OR “lps-induced” OR “monocrotaline” OR”monosodium urate crystal” OR “mycobacterial infection*” OR “Mycotoxin*” OR “nephritogenoside”OR “NG-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester” OR “Nitroarginine” OR “nivalenol” OR “Nω-nitro-L-arginine”61 OR “oak toxicosis” OR “ochratoxin A” OR “Ochratoxin*” OR “O-glycosylated IgA rheumatoid factor”OR “p-Cresyl sulfate” OR “PDGF-BB” OR “penicillic acid” OR “Platelet-derived growth factor-BB” OR”pufferfish tetrodotoxin” OR “quercus calliprinos” OR “scorpion sting*” OR “sea anemone Phyllodiscus semoni” OR “sea snake venom” OR “snake bite” OR “stinging insect venom” OR “tetrodotoxin” OR”Tityus serrulatus scorpion venom” OR “Tricothecene*” OR “U1-70-kDa small nuclear ribonucleoprotein/snRPN70” OR “viper snake venom” OR “vomitoxin” OR “wasp sting*” OR “yew” OR”*Bacteri*” OR “*Chia” OR “*Ococcus” OR “*Omonas” OR “adenine” OR “Aspergillus ” OR”Bartonella henselae” OR “beta-hemolysin ” OR “Brucella” OR “Burkholderia pseudomallei” OR “C.difficile toxin A” OR “C. difficile toxin B” OR “Campylobacter jejuni” OR “Campylobacter jejuni” OR”Candida albicans” OR “Candida tropicalis” OR “Candidemia” OR “Capillaria hepatica” OR “Chlamydia pneumoniae” OR “Chlamydia” OR “Chlamydophila” OR “Citrobacter rodentium” OR “Clostridium” OR”Corynebacterium diphtheriae” OR “diphtheria toxin” OR “Corynebacterium renale” OR “Dirofilaria immitis” OR “Echinococcus” OR “Ehrlichia canis” OR “Enterococcus faecalis” OR “Escherichia coli”OR “e. coli” OR “falciparum malaria” OR “malaria” OR “Fusarium graminearum” OR “Gemella haemolysans” OR “Haemophilus” OR “Helicobacter pylori” OR “Klebsiella pneumoniae” OR “leprosy”OR “Mycobacterium leprae” OR “Mycobacterium lepromatosis” OR “Leptospirosis” OR “leptospira” OR”marcescens” OR “Mycoplasma” OR “Neisseria” OR “Nematode*” OR “Parasite*” OR “Penicillium aurantiogriseum” OR “Penicillium aurantiogriseum” OR “Plasmodium brasilianum” OR”Propionibacterium acnes” OR “Proteus mirabilis” OR “Pseudomonas aeruginosa” OR “Rickettsia” OR”Rochalimaea” OR “salmonella” OR “Schistosoma haematobium” OR “Schistosoma mansoni” OR”Serratia marcescens” OR “staphylococcal infection*” OR “Staphylococcus aureus” OR “Streptococcus agalactiae” OR “Streptococcus mutans” OR “Streptococcus pyogenes” OR “streptococcal pyrogenic exotoxin B” OR “Thy-1.1 monoclonal antibody” OR “Toxocara canis” OR “Treponema” OR “Trichinella spiralis” OR “Trypanosoma brucei” OR “Tyrophagus putrescentiae” OR “Vibrio” OR “Yersinia” OR”*OBACTER” OR “*nitrophenol*” OR “*benzene” OR “*ethane” OR “*phthalate” OR “*toluene” OR”1,1,1-trichloroethane” OR “12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate ” OR “1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium”OR “2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid” OR “2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin” OR “2-Amino-4-(ethylthio)butyric acid) ” OR “acetaldehyde” OR “acrolein” OR “Air pollutant*” OR “air pollution” OR”aldrin” OR “alloxan” OR “alpha-Naphthylisothiocyanate” OR “aluminium” OR “aluminum” OR”ammonium perchlorate” OR “anti-trinitrophenol switch variant mAbs” OR “arsenic” OR “asbestos” OR”asphalt” OR “atrazine” OR “beryllium” OR “Bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate” OR “bismuth” OR “bitumen”OR “bromodichloromethane” OR “bromoform” OR “cadmium” OR “carbon tetrachloride” OR “cedar dust” OR “cerium oxide nanoparticles” OR “chloroform” OR “chlorpyrifos” OR “chromic acid ” OR”chromium” OR “copper sulphate ” OR “copper” OR “cotton pellets” OR “cyromazine” OR “decabrom*”OR “DEHP” OR “diazinon” OR “dibromochloromethane” OR “dichloro*” OR “diesel” OR “diethylene glycol” OR “dimethylnitrosamine ” OR “dinitro*” OR “dinitrochlorobenzene” OR “dioxane” OR “dioxin” OR “domestic gas” OR “ethionine ” OR “ethylene dibromide ” OR “ethylene glycol” OR “fiberglass”OR “fibreglass” OR “fluoro-10-methyl-1-2-benzanthracene ” OR “formaldehyde” OR “gasoline” OR”germanium” OR “glycerol” OR “grain dust” OR “halomethane* ” OR “hcy-induced ” OR “Heavy metal*” OR “Herbicide*” OR “hexabrom*” OR “hexachloro*” OR “hgcl2” OR “homocysteine” OR”house dust mite” OR “Hydrocarbons” OR “Insecticide*” OR “isopropyl alcohol” OR “jatropha curcas phorbol ester” OR “ketones” OR “malathion” OR “maleic vinyl ether anhydride ” OR “Maneb” OR62″melamine” OR “menadione sodium bisulfite” OR “mercuric chloride” OR “Mercury” OR “methyl tertiary-butyl ether ” OR “methylene chloride” OR “methylglyoxal” OR “multiwalled carbon nanotube*”OR “N,N′-dimethyl-4,4′-bipyridinium dichloride” OR “N,N’-diacetylbenzidine ” OR “N-3-5-dichlorophenyl-succinimide” OR “nanocopper” OR “n-methyl-n 1-nitro-n-nitroso guanidine ” OR”nonylphenol” OR “octylphenol” OR “oxalates” OR “oxidant-induced” OR “p-Aminophenol” OR”parachloro*” OR “paraphenylenediamine” OR “paraquat ” OR “Particulates” OR “pb” OR”pentachloro*” OR “pentachlorophenol” OR “perchloroethylene” OR “perfluor*” OR “perfluoroalkyl chemicals” OR “perfluorooctane sulfonate” OR “perfluorooctanoic acid” OR “Pesticide*” OR “Phenols”OR “phenylenediamine ” OR “picric acid” OR “plant growth regulator* ” OR “polybrom*” OR”polychlor*” OR “polychlorinated organic compound* ” OR “polyfluor*” OR “polymethyl methacrylate “OR “potassium bichromate ” OR “pristane” OR “p-xylene” OR “pyrinuron” OR “pyruvaldehyde ” OR”silane ” OR “silica” OR “silicon dioxide” OR “single wall carbon nanotube*” OR “styrene” OR”tetrabrom*” OR “tetrachloro*” OR “tetrachloroethylene” OR “thioacetamide ” OR “titanium dioxide nanoparticles” OR “toluene” OR “trichloro*” OR “trichloroethylene” OR “trimethylpentane” OR”trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid ” OR “Trinitrophenol” OR “uranium” OR “uranyl nitrate” OR “vacor” OR”wood dust” OR “wood preservatives” OR “xylene” OR “zinc phosphide” OR “sediment-associated” OR”particle-associated” OR “traffic-related” OR “work-related” OR EMF) near/20 (“poison*” OR”ecotoxologic* effect*” OR “occupation*” OR pollut* OR “*virus*” OR environmental OR “induc*” OR”damage-caus*” OR “drug*-caus*” OR “infect*-caus*” OR “chemotherapy-caus*” OR “treat*-caus*” OR”anesthesia-caus*” OR “chemical*-caus*” OR “cytokine*-caus*” OR “surg*-caus*” OR “radiation-caus*” OR “steroid-caus*” OR “mechanically-caus*” OR “promot* progression” OR “caus*accumulation” OR “caus* * accumulation” OR “progression of” OR expos* OR contamina* ORchemicals OR abuse* OR induc* OR “long-term effect*” OR “inhibit* *protection” OR dysfunction* ORaggregation OR accumulation OR “disease link* to” OR “chemical initiator*” OR “stimulat* microglia”OR “activat* microglia” OR “increas* risk*” OR “increas* the risk*” OR “adverse event*” OR “adverse reaction*” OR “adverse * event*” OR “adverse * reaction” OR “adverse effect*” OR “adverse * effect*”OR hypersensitivity OR aggravat* OR exacerbat* OR detriment* OR “caus* *toxi*” OR “increas* *toxi”OR “produc* *toxi*” OR “enhanc* *toxi*” OR “stimulat* *toxi*” OR “accelerat* *toxi*” OR “caus*degrad*” OR “increas* degrad*” OR “caus* damag*” OR “increas* damag*” OR “caus* * *toxi*” OR”increas* * *toxi” OR “produc* * *toxi*” OR “enhanc* * *toxi*” OR “stimulat* * *toxi*” OR”accelerat* * *toxi*” OR “caus* * degrad*” OR “increas* * degrad*” OR “caus* * damag*” OR”increas* * damag*” OR “*toxi* caus* by” OR “*toxi* increas* by” OR “*toxi* produc* by” OR “*toxi*enhanc* by” OR “*toxi* stimulat* by” OR “*toxi* accelerat* by” OR “damag* caus* by” OR “*damag*increas* by” OR deleterious OR deteriorat* OR trigger* OR worsen* OR harm* OR hazard* OR “side-effect*” OR dangerous OR destructive OR injurious OR unsafe OR “increas* amyloid-beta” OR”increas* beta-amyloid” OR “increas* Abeta” OR “increas* senile plaque*” OR “increas* tau aggregat*”OR “increas* T-tau” OR “increas* P-tau” OR “increas*total tau” OR “increas* phospho-tau” OR”increas* tau protein*” OR “increas* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “increas* neurofibrillary tangle*” OR”enhanc* amyloid-beta” OR “enhanc* beta-amyloid” OR “enhanc* Abeta” OR “enhanc* senile plaque*”OR “enhanc* tau aggregat*” OR “enhanc* T-tau” OR “enhanc* P-tau” OR “enhanc*total tau” OR”enhanc* phospho-tau” OR “enhanc* tau protein*” OR “enhanc* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “enhanc*neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “stimulat* amyloid-beta” OR “stimulat* beta-amyloid” OR “stimulat* Abeta”63 OR “stimulat* senile plaque*” OR “stimulat* tau aggregat*” OR “stimulat* T-tau” OR “stimulat* P-tau”OR “stimulat*total tau” OR “stimulat* phospho-tau” OR “stimulat* tau protein*” OR “stimulat*hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “stimulat* neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “elevat* amyloid-beta” OR “elevat*beta-amyloid” OR “elevat* Abeta” OR “elevat* senile plaque*” OR “elevat* tau aggregat*” OR “elevat*T-tau” OR “elevat* P-tau” OR “elevat*total tau” OR “elevat* phospho-tau” OR “elevat* tau protein*” OR”elevat* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “elevat* neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “induc* amyloid-beta” OR”induc* beta-amyloid” OR “induc* Abeta” OR “induc* senile plaque*” OR “induc* tau aggregat*” OR”induc* T-tau” OR “induc* P-tau” OR “induc*total tau” OR “induc* phospho-tau” OR “induc* tau protein*” OR “induc* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “induc* neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “produc*amyloid-beta” OR “produc* beta-amyloid” OR “produc* Abeta” OR “produc* senile plaque*” OR”produc* tau aggregat*” OR “produc* T-tau” OR “produc* P-tau” OR “produc*total tau” OR “produc*phospho-tau” OR “produc* tau protein*” OR “produc* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “produc*neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “accelerat* amyloid-beta” OR “accelerat* beta-amyloid” OR “accelerat*Abeta” OR “accelerat* senile plaque*” OR “accelerat* tau aggregat*” OR “accelerat* T-tau” OR”accelerat* P-tau” OR “accelerat*total tau” OR “accelerat* phospho-tau” OR “accelerat* tau protein*”OR “accelerat* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “accelerat* neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “amyloid-beta induc* by” OR “beta-amyloid induc* by” OR “Abeta induc* by” OR “senile plaque* induc* by” OR “tau aggregat* induc* by” OR “T-tau induc* by” OR “P-tau induc* by” OR “total tau induc* by” OR”phospho-tau induc* by” OR “tau protein* induc* by” OR “hyperphosphorylated tau induc* by” OR”neurofibrillary tangle* induc* by” OR “amyloid-beta produc* by” OR “beta-amyloid produc* by” OR”Abeta produc* by” OR “senile plaque* produc* by” OR “tau aggregat* produc* by” OR “T-tau produc*by” OR “P-tau produc* by” OR “total tau produc* by” OR “phospho-tau produc* by” OR “tau protein*produc* by” OR “hyperphosphorylated tau produc* by” OR “neurofibrillary tangle* produc* by” OR”caus* Alzheimer*” OR “caus* dementia” OR “caus* cognitive decline” OR “caus* brain* decline” OR”caus* functional decline” OR “caus* memory decline” OR “caus* cognitive deficit*” OR “caus*language deficit*” OR “caus* memory deficit*” OR “caus* plasticity deficit*” OR “caus* behavioral deficit*” OR “caus* saccade deficit*” OR “caus* learning deficit*” OR “caus* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “caus* cognitive impair*” OR “caus* vascular impair*” OR “caus* memory impair*” OR”caus* neurogenesis impair*” OR “caus* neuropsychological impair*” OR “caus* mind impair*” OR”caus* functional impair*” OR “caus* learning impair*” OR “caus* executive function impair*” OR”caus* cognitive loss*” OR “caus* neuronal loss*” OR “caus* synaptic loss*” OR “caus* memory loss*”OR “caus* loss of memory” OR “caus* hearing loss*” OR “caus* volume loss*” OR “caus* Impair* face recognition” OR “caus* Impair* reasoning” OR “caus* Impair* judgment” OR “caus* Impair* problem solving” OR “caus* inflamm*” OR “caus* oxidative stress” OR “caus* neuropathology” OR “caus*diabetes” OR “caus* hypertension” OR “caus* high cholesterol” OR “caus* hypercholesterolemia” OR”caus* obesity” OR “caus* metabolic syndrome” OR “induc* Alzheimer*” OR “induc* dementia” OR”induc* cognitive decline” OR “induc* brain* decline” OR “induc* functional decline” OR “induc*memory decline” OR “induc* cognitive deficit*” OR “induc* language deficit*” OR “induc* memory deficit*” OR “induc* plasticity deficit*” OR “induc* behavioral deficit*” OR “induc* saccade deficit*”OR “induc* learning deficit*” OR “induc* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “induc* cognitive impair*”OR “induc* vascular impair*” OR “induc* memory impair*” OR “induc* neurogenesis impair*” OR”induc* neuropsychological impair*” OR “induc* mind impair*” OR “induc* functional impair*” OR64″induc* learning impair*” OR “induc* executive function impair*” OR “induc* cognitive loss*” OR”induc* neuronal loss*” OR “induc* synaptic loss*” OR “induc* memory loss*” OR “induc* loss of memory” OR “induc* hearing loss*” OR “induc* volume loss*” OR “induc* Impair* face recognition”OR “induc* Impair* reasoning” OR “induc* Impair* judgment” OR “induc* Impair* problem solving”OR “induc* inflamm*” OR “induc* oxidative stress” OR “induc* neuropathology” OR “induc* diabetes”OR “induc* hypertension” OR “induc* high cholesterol” OR “induc* hypercholesterolemia” OR “induc*obesity” OR “induc* metabolic syndrome” OR “produc* Alzheimer*” OR “produc* dementia” OR”produc* cognitive decline” OR “produc* brain* decline” OR “produc* functional decline” OR “produc*memory decline” OR “produc* cognitive deficit*” OR “produc* language deficit*” OR “produc* memory deficit*” OR “produc* plasticity deficit*” OR “produc* behavioral deficit*” OR “produc* saccade deficit*” OR “produc* learning deficit*” OR “produc* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “produc*cognitive impair*” OR “produc* vascular impair*” OR “produc* memory impair*” OR “produc*neurogenesis impair*” OR “produc* neuropsychological impair*” OR “produc* mind impair*” OR”produc* functional impair*” OR “produc* learning impair*” OR “produc* executive function impair*”OR “produc* cognitive loss*” OR “produc* neuronal loss*” OR “produc* synaptic loss*” OR “produc*memory loss*” OR “produc* loss of memory” OR “produc* hearing loss*” OR “produc* volume loss*”OR “produc* Impair* face recognition” OR “produc* Impair* reasoning” OR “produc* Impair*judgment” OR “produc* Impair* problem solving” OR “produc* inflamm*” OR “produc* oxidative stress” OR “produc* neuropathology” OR “produc* diabetes” OR “produc* hypertension” OR “produc*high cholesterol” OR “produc* hypercholesterolemia” OR “produc* obesity” OR “produc* metabolic syndrome” OR “increas* Alzheimer*” OR “increas* dementia” OR “increas* cognitive decline” OR”increas* brain* decline” OR “increas* functional decline” OR “increas* memory decline” OR “increas*cognitive deficit*” OR “increas* language deficit*” OR “increas* memory deficit*” OR “increas*plasticity deficit*” OR “increas* behavioral deficit*” OR “increas* saccade deficit*” OR “increas*learning deficit*” OR “increas* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “increas* cognitive impair*” OR”increas* vascular impair*” OR “increas* memory impair*” OR “increas* neurogenesis impair*” OR”increas* neuropsychological impair*” OR “increas* mind impair*” OR “increas* functional impair*”OR “increas* learning impair*” OR “increas* executive function impair*” OR “increas* cognitive loss*”OR “increas* neuronal loss*” OR “increas* synaptic loss*” OR “increas* memory loss*” OR “increas*loss of memory” OR “increas* hearing loss*” OR “increas* volume loss*” OR “increas* Impair* face recognition” OR “increas* Impair* reasoning” OR “increas* Impair* judgment” OR “increas* Impair*problem solving” OR “increas* inflamm*” OR “increas* oxidative stress” OR “increas* neuropathology”OR “increas* diabetes” OR “increas* hypertension” OR “increas* high cholesterol” OR “increas*hypercholesterolemia” OR “increas* obesity” OR “increas* metabolic syndrome” OR “exacerbat*Alzheimer*” OR “exacerbat* dementia” OR “exacerbat* cognitive decline” OR “exacerbat* brain*decline” OR “exacerbat* functional decline” OR “exacerbat* memory decline” OR “exacerbat* cognitive deficit*” OR “exacerbat* language deficit*” OR “exacerbat* memory deficit*” OR “exacerbat* plasticity deficit*” OR “exacerbat* behavioral deficit*” OR “exacerbat* saccade deficit*” OR “exacerbat* learning deficit*” OR “exacerbat* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “exacerbat* cognitive impair*” OR”exacerbat* vascular impair*” OR “exacerbat* memory impair*” OR “exacerbat* neurogenesis impair*”OR “exacerbat* neuropsychological impair*” OR “exacerbat* mind impair*” OR “exacerbat* functional impair*” OR “exacerbat* learning impair*” OR “exacerbat* executive function impair*” OR “exacerbat*65 cognitive loss*” OR “exacerbat* neuronal loss*” OR “exacerbat* synaptic loss*” OR “exacerbat*memory loss*” OR “exacerbat* loss of memory” OR “exacerbat* hearing loss*” OR “exacerbat* volume loss*” OR “exacerbat* Impair* face recognition” OR “exacerbat* Impair* reasoning” OR “exacerbat*Impair* judgment” OR “exacerbat* Impair* problem solving” OR “exacerbat* inflamm*” OR”exacerbat* oxidative stress” OR “exacerbat* neuropathology” OR “exacerbat* diabetes” OR “exacerbat*hypertension” OR “exacerbat* high cholesterol” OR “exacerbat* hypercholesterolemia” OR “exacerbat*obesity” OR “exacerbat* metabolic syndrome” OR “trigger* Alzheimer*” OR “trigger* dementia” OR”trigger* cognitive decline” OR “trigger* brain* decline” OR “trigger* functional decline” OR “trigger*memory decline” OR “trigger* cognitive deficit*” OR “trigger* language deficit*” OR “trigger* memory deficit*” OR “trigger* plasticity deficit*” OR “trigger* behavioral deficit*” OR “trigger* saccade deficit*” OR “trigger* learning deficit*” OR “trigger* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “trigger*cognitive impair*” OR “trigger* vascular impair*” OR “trigger* memory impair*” OR “trigger*neurogenesis impair*” OR “trigger* neuropsychological impair*” OR “trigger* mind impair*” OR”trigger* functional impair*” OR “trigger* learning impair*” OR “trigger* executive function impair*”OR “trigger* cognitive loss*” OR “trigger* neuronal loss*” OR “trigger* synaptic loss*” OR “trigger*memory loss*” OR “trigger* loss of memory” OR “trigger* hearing loss*” OR “trigger* volume loss*”OR “trigger* Impair* face recognition” OR “trigger* Impair* reasoning” OR “trigger* Impair* judgment”OR “trigger* Impair* problem solving” OR “trigger* inflamm*” OR “trigger* oxidative stress” OR”trigger* neuropathology” OR “trigger* diabetes” OR “trigger* hypertension” OR “trigger* high cholesterol” OR “trigger* hypercholesterolemia” OR “trigger* obesity” OR “trigger* metabolic syndrome” OR “accelerat* Alzheimer*” OR “accelerat* dementia” OR “accelerat* cognitive decline” OR”accelerat* brain* decline” OR “accelerat* functional decline” OR “accelerat* memory decline” OR”accelerat* cognitive deficit*” OR “accelerat* language deficit*” OR “accelerat* memory deficit*” OR”accelerat* plasticity deficit*” OR “accelerat* behavioral deficit*” OR “accelerat* saccade deficit*” OR”accelerat* learning deficit*” OR “accelerat* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “accelerat* cognitive impair*” OR “accelerat* vascular impair*” OR “accelerat* memory impair*” OR “accelerat*neurogenesis impair*” OR “accelerat* neuropsychological impair*” OR “accelerat* mind impair*” OR”accelerat* functional impair*” OR “accelerat* learning impair*” OR “accelerat* executive function impair*” OR “accelerat* cognitive loss*” OR “accelerat* neuronal loss*” OR “accelerat* synaptic loss*”OR “accelerat* memory loss*” OR “accelerat* loss of memory” OR “accelerat* hearing loss*” OR”accelerat* volume loss*” OR “accelerat* Impair* face recognition” OR “accelerat* Impair* reasoning”OR “accelerat* Impair* judgment” OR “accelerat* Impair* problem solving” OR “accelerat* inflamm*”OR “accelerat* oxidative stress” OR “accelerat* neuropathology” OR “accelerat* diabetes” OR”accelerat* hypertension” OR “accelerat* high cholesterol” OR “accelerat* hypercholesterolemia” OR”accelerat* obesity” OR “accelerat* metabolic syndrome” OR “Alzheimer* * caused by” OR “dementia caused by” OR “cognitive decline caused by” OR “brain* decline caused by” OR “functional decline caused by” OR “memory decline caused by” OR “cognitive deficit* caused by” OR “language deficit*caused by” OR “memory deficit* caused by” OR “plasticity deficit* caused by” OR “behavioral deficit*caused by” OR “saccade deficit* caused by” OR “learning deficit* caused by” OR “neuropsychological deficit* caused by” OR “cognitive impair* caused by” OR “vascular impair* caused by” OR “memory impair* caused by” OR “neurogenesis impair* caused by” OR “neuropsychological impair* caused by”OR “mind impair* caused by” OR “functional impair* caused by” OR “learning impair* caused by” OR “66 executive function impair* caused by” OR “cognitive loss* caused by” OR “neuronal loss* caused by”OR “synaptic loss* caused by” OR “memory loss* caused by” OR “loss of memory caused by” OR”hearing loss* caused by” OR “volume loss* caused by” OR “Impair* face recognition caused by” OR”Impair* reasoning caused by” OR “Impair* judgment caused by” OR “Impair* problem solving caused by” OR “inflamm* caused by” OR “oxidative stress caused by” OR “neuropathology caused by” OR”diabetes caused by” OR “hypertension caused by” OR “high cholesterol caused by” OR”hypercholesterolemia caused by” OR “obesity caused by” OR “metabolic syndrome caused by” OR”Alzheimer* * induced by” OR “dementia induced by” OR “cognitive decline induced by” OR “brain*decline induced by” OR “functional decline induced by” OR “memory decline induced by” OR “cognitive deficit* induced by” OR “language deficit* induced by” OR “memory deficit* induced by” OR “plasticity deficit* induced by” OR “behavioral deficit* induced by” OR “saccade deficit* induced by” OR “learning deficit* induced by” OR “neuropsychological deficit* induced by” OR “cognitive impair* induced by”OR “vascular impair* induced by” OR “memory impair* induced by” OR “neurogenesis impair* induced by” OR “neuropsychological impair* induced by” OR “mind impair* induced by” OR “functional impair*induced by” OR “learning impair* induced by” OR ” executive function impair* induced by” OR”cognitive loss* induced by” OR “neuronal loss* induced by” OR “synaptic loss* induced by” OR”memory loss* induced by” OR “loss of memory induced by” OR “hearing loss* induced by” OR”volume loss* induced by” OR “Impair* face recognition induced by” OR “Impair* reasoning induced by” OR “Impair* judgment induced by” OR “Impair* problem solving induced by” OR “inflamm*induced by” OR “oxidative stress induced by” OR “neuropathology induced by” OR “diabetes induced by” OR “hypertension induced by” OR “high cholesterol induced by” OR “hypercholesterolemia induced by” OR “obesity induced by” OR “metabolic syndrome induced by”)OR


(“2,3-Pentanedione” OR “acidogenic diet*” OR “acrylamide” OR “activity restriction” OR “acute stress”OR “additives” OR “advanced glycation end product*” OR “Advanced glycosylation end product*” OR”adverse food” OR “alcohol abuse*” OR “alcohol consum*” OR “alcohol intake” OR “alcoholic*” OR”alcohol-induc*” OR “alcoholism” OR “Amanita phalloides” OR “amphetamine*” OR “anabolic steroid*” OR “areca nut chewing” OR arnica OR “aspartame” OR “betel nut chewing” OR “binge eating”OR “biomass fuel for cooking” OR “bitter orange” OR “caffeine” OR “childhood adversity” OR”chinese herb*” OR “chlorogenic acid” OR “cholesterol-induced” OR “cigarette*” OR “cocaine” OR”cola” OR “competitive strength exercise training” OR cortinarius OR “dehydration” OR “depression-caus*” OR “depression-induc*” OR dextrose OR diet* near/1 effect* OR diet*-caus* OR diet*-induc*OR dietborne OR “djenkol beans” OR “early-life abuse” OR “eating fast” OR “effort-reward imbalance”OR “emotional abuse” OR ephedra OR “exercise-caus*” OR “folic acid-induc*” OR “food additive” OR”food poisoning” OR “free-fatty-acid-induced” OR “fructose” OR “germ-free” OR “glucose-induc*” OR”glucose-peaks-short-term” OR “gluten” OR glycerin OR guarana OR “heat stroke” OR “heroin” OR”high home temperature” OR “high insulin” OR “high meat” OR “high selenium diet” OR “high-fat-diet*”67 OR “high-glucose-induc*” OR “High-glycemic-load diet*” OR “high-phosphate” OR “high-phosphorous-diet*” OR “high-protein-diet*” OR “high-protein-induc*” OR “high-protein-intake*” OR “high-salt-diet*” OR “high-salt-intake*” OR “high-saturated-fat diet*” OR “high-sodium-diet*” OR “high-sodium-intake*” OR “high-soybean oil” OR “high-sucrose-diet*” OR “high-sugar-diet*” OR “high-tryptophan-diet*” OR “Highway proximity” OR hypothermia OR “hypoxia-induced” OR “insufficient sleep” OR “job strain” OR “laxative abuse” OR “low fiber diet*” OR “low fiber intake” OR “low legumes intake” OR”low manganese intake” OR “low melatonin” OR “low potassium intake” OR “low pulses intake” OR”low-Vitamin D intake” OR “meat” OR “milk processing” OR “morphine” OR mothball* OR”mushrooms” OR noise OR “overfeeding” OR palmitate OR “palmitic acid” OR “parental hypertension”OR “parental occupation*” OR “parental sucrose” OR “persistent organic pollutants” OR “phosphorus additive*” OR “physical inactivity” OR “prenatal hypoxia” OR “preserved food*” OR “preserved meat*”OR “prolonged sitting” OR “psychogenic polydipsia” OR “psychological trauma” OR “refined carbohydrate*” OR “refined cereal*” OR “refined grain*” OR “refined flour” OR “residential remoteness”OR “salt-induced” OR “saturated fat*” OR “sedentary” OR “short sleep duration” OR “sitting time” OR”sleep deprivation” OR “smoking” OR “social environment” OR “sodium additive*” OR “soft drink*” OR”soybean oil heated repeatedly” OR “soy-rich diet” OR “star fruit” OR “sucralose” OR “sunflower oil”OR “tobacco” OR “trans-fat*” OR “water-borne” OR “zinc-deficient diet” OR low near/2 sunlight ORwaterborne)OR


(diet* near/1 effect* OR “adverse food” OR “additives” OR exercise-induc* OR diet*-induc* ORexercise-caus* OR diet*-caus* OR waterborne OR “water-borne” OR dietborne OR “acidogenic diet*”OR “activity restriction” OR “advanced glycation end product*” OR “Advanced glycosylation end product*” OR “alcohol abuse*” OR “alcohol consum*” OR “alcohol intake” OR “alcoholic*” OR”alcohol-induc*” OR “alcoholism” OR “amphetamine*” OR “anabolic steroid*” OR “areca nut chewing”OR “betel nut chewing” OR “binge eating” OR “caffeine” OR “childhood adversity” OR “chinese herb*”OR “cholesterol-induced” OR “cigarette*” OR “cocaine” OR “cola” OR “milk processing” OR”dehydration” OR “depression-induc*” OR “depression-caus*” OR “effort-reward imbalance” OR”emotional abuse” OR “Exercise-induced” OR “folic acid-induc*” OR “free-fatty-acid-induced” OR”fructose” OR “germ-free” OR “glucose-induc*” OR “glucose-peaks-short-term” OR “gluten” OR “heat stroke” OR “heroin” OR “high-fat-diet*” OR “high-glucose-induc*” OR “High-glycemic-load diet*” OR”high home temperature” OR “high insulin” OR “high meat” OR “high-phosphate” OR “high-phosphorous-diet*” OR “high-protein-diet*” OR “high-protein-intake*” OR “high-protein-induc*” OR”high-salt-diet*” OR “high-salt-intake*” OR “high-saturated-fat diet*” OR “high selenium diet” OR”high-sodium-intake*” OR “high-sodium-diet*” OR “high-soybean oil” OR “high-sucrose-diet*” OR”high-tryptophan-diet*” OR “job strain” OR “laxative abuse” OR “psychological trauma” OR”competitive strength exercise training” OR “low fiber diet*” OR “low fiber intake” OR “low legumes intake” OR “low manganese intake” OR “low melatonin” OR “low potassium intake” OR “low pulses intake” OR “low-Vitamin D intake” OR “meat” OR “morphine” OR “mothball abuse” OR “mushrooms”OR “parental sucrose” OR “phosphorus additive*” OR “physical inactivity” OR “refined cereal*” OR68″residential remoteness” OR “salt-induced” OR “sedentary” OR “short sleep duration” OR “sitting time”OR “sleep deprivation” OR “smoking” OR “social environment” OR “sodium additive*” OR “soybean oil heated repeatedly” OR “soy-rich diet” OR “star fruit” OR “stress-induced” OR “sunflower oil” OR”tobacco” OR “overfeeding” OR “zinc-deficient diet” OR “TRANS-FAT*” OR “2,3-Pentanedione” OR”acute stress” OR “biomass fuel for cooking” OR “early-life abuse” OR “Highway proximity” OR”parental occupation*” OR “Sugar” OR “Refined Carbohydrate*” OR “Acrylamide” OR “Aspartame” OR”Sucralose” OR “Preserved Meat*” OR “Refined Flour” OR “Saturated Fat*” OR “Soft Drink*” OR”Preserved Food*” OR “Insufficient Sleep”)OR





(/”chemically induced” OR /toxicity OR /poisoning)ORIIIB. MESH GENERIC TERMS –


IIIB1. NON-LIFESTYLE-SPECIFIC COMPONENT – MESH HEアルツハイマー病ING NO EXPLODEAbnormalities, Drug-Induced OR Aids Related Opportunistic Infections OR Air Pollutants, Occupational OR Bacterial Infections OR Congenital Abnormalities OR Congenital Disorders Of Glycosylation ORDermatitis, Occupational OR Drug Eruptions OR Drug Hypersensitivity OR Drug Toxicity OREnvironmental Exposure OR Environmental Illness OR Environmental Monitoring OR EnvironmentalPollutants OR Fossil Fuels OR Hazardous Substances OR Herbicides OR Household Products OR HTLVI Infections OR Iatrogenic Disease OR Inhalation Exposure OR Insecticides OR Marine Toxins ORMaternal Exposure OR Mutagens OR Mycotoxins OR Neurotoxins OR Nonprescription Drugs OROccupational Diseases OR Occupational Exposure OR Occupations OR Opportunistic Infections OROrganic Chemicals OR Paternal Exposure OR Pesticides OR Plant Poisoning OR Plants, Toxic ORPoisoning OR Poisons OR Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects OR Simplexvirus OR Soil Pollutants ORSolvents OR Streptococcal Infections OR Vehicle Emissions OR Water Pollutants, Chemical ORWeldingORIIIB2.


Alcohol Drinking OR Alcoholic Intoxication OR Alcoholism OR Alcohol-Related Disorders ORAmphetamine-Related Disorders OR Amphetamines OR Appetite Depressants OR Carbonated BeveragesOR Cocaine OR Cocaine-Related Disorders OR Cola OR Contraceptive Agents OR Contraceptives, OralOR Cooking And Eating Utensils OR Cosmetics OR Diet, High-Fat OR Fast Foods OR Food AdditivesOR Food Contamination OR Food Habits OR Food Preservatives OR Fructose OR Glycemic Index ORGlycosylation End Products, Advanced/adverse effects OR Hair Dyes OR Hallucinogens OR HazardousSubstances OR Heat Stroke OR Heroin OR Heroin Dependence OR Laxatives OR Leisure Activities ORMarijuana Abuse OR Methadone OR Mushroom Poisoning OR Narcotics OR Nonprescription Drugs ORPlant Poisoning OR Plants, Toxic OR Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects OR Smoking OR SodiumChloride, Dietary OR Sodium, Dietary OR Street Drugs OR Substance-Related Disorders OR SweeteningAgents OR Tattooing OR Tobacco OR Tobacco Smoke Pollution OR Tobacco Use Disorder ORSubstance Withdrawal Syndrome OR Obesity OR Meat OR Foodborne Diseases OR Food Handling ORDietary Fats OR Dietary Carbohydrates OR Plants Genetically Modified OR Sucrose OR BehaviorAddictive OR Meat Products OR Poverty OR Maternal Exposure OR Flavoring Agents OR Diet High FatOR Coffee OR Dairy Products OR Nutrition Disorders OR Prenatal Care OR Child Abuse OR TelevisionOR Hygiene OR Doping In Sports OR Maternal Behavior OR Dietary Sucrose OR Thiamine DeficiencyOR Folic Acid Deficiency OR Vitamin D Deficiency OR Cholesterol Dietary OR Lifestyle OR SedentaryLifestyle OR Eating Disorders OR Sleep Disorders OR Paternal ExposureOR


(“poison*” OR “ecotoxologic* effect*” OR “occupation*” OR pollut* OR “*virus*” OR environmental OR “induc*” OR “damage-caus*” OR “drug*-caus*” OR “infect*-caus*” OR “chemotherapy-caus*” OR”treat*-caus*” OR “anesthesia-caus*” OR “chemical*-caus*” OR “cytokine*-caus*” OR “surg*-caus*”OR “radiation-caus*” OR “steroid-caus*” OR “mechanically-caus*” OR “promot* progression” OR”caus* accumulation” OR “caus* * accumulation” OR “progression of” OR expos* OR contamina* ORabuse* OR induc* OR “long-term effect*” OR “inhibit* *protection” OR dysfunction* OR aggregation OR accumulation OR “disease link* to” OR “chemical initiator*” OR “stimulat* microglia” OR “activat*microglia” OR “increas* risk*” OR “increas* the risk*” OR “adverse event*” OR “adverse reaction*” OR”adverse * event*” OR “adverse * reaction” OR “adverse effect*” OR “adverse * effect*” ORhypersensitivity OR aggravat* OR exacerbat* OR detriment* OR “caus* *toxi*” OR “increas* *toxi” OR”produc* *toxi*” OR “enhanc* *toxi*” OR “stimulat* *toxi*” OR “accelerat* *toxi*” OR “caus*degrad*” OR “increas* degrad*” OR “caus* damag*” OR “increas* damag*” OR “caus* * *toxi*” OR”increas* * *toxi” OR “produc* * *toxi*” OR “enhanc* * *toxi*” OR “stimulat* * *toxi*” OR”accelerat* * *toxi*” OR “caus* * degrad*” OR “increas* * degrad*” OR “caus* * damag*” OR”increas* * damag*” OR “*toxi* caus* by” OR “*toxi* increas* by” OR “*toxi* produc* by” OR “*toxi*enhanc* by” OR “*toxi* stimulat* by” OR “*toxi* accelerat* by” OR “damag* caus* by” OR “*damag*increas* by” OR deleterious OR deteriorat* OR trigger* OR worsen* OR harm* OR hazard* OR “side-effect*” OR dangerous OR destructive OR injurious OR unsafe)



Antineoplastic Agents OR Anticoagulants OR Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols ORAnti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal OR Hypoglycemic Agents OR Anti-Bacterial Agents ORAntipsychotic Agents OR Immunosuppressive Agents OR Anticonvulsants OR Platelet AggregationInhibitors OR Glucocorticoids OR Analgesics, Opioid OR Drug-Related Side Effects and AdverseReactions OR Warfarin OR Analgesics OR Doxorubicin OR Cisplatin OR Protein Kinase Inhibitors ORFibrinolytic Agents OR Fluorouracil OR Antirheumatic Agents OR Antihypertensive Agents ORPyridines OR Cyclophosphamide OR Bone Density Conservation Agents OR Antiviral Agents ORBleomycin OR Antidepressive Agents OR Serotonin Uptake Inhibitors OR Thiophenes OR Antibiotics,Antineoplastic OR Angiogenesis Inhibitors OR Drug Hypersensitivity OR Proton Pump Inhibitors ORDeoxycytidine OR Ticlopidine OR Organoplatinum Compounds OR Anti-Arrhythmia Agents ORAngiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors OR Anti-HIV Agents OR Paclitaxel OR Chemotherapy,Adjuvant OR Acetaminophen OR Quinazolines OR Taxoids OR Vasodilator Agents OR Pilocarpine ORTriazoles OR Benzodiazepines OR Anti-Infective Agents OR Estrogens OR Thiazolidinediones ORAntineoplastic Agents, Hormonal OR Antineoplastic Agents, Phytogenic OR Cyclooxygenase 2Inhibitors OR Anti-Ulcer Agents OR Cyclosporine OR Vasoconstrictor Agents OR Anthracyclines ORAnticarcinogenic Agents OR Convulsants OR Calcium Channel Blockers OR Cardiotonic Agents ORDermatologic Agents OR Isoproterenol OR Antifungal Agents OR Ribavirin OR Antiparkinson AgentsOR Clozapine OR Carboplatin OR Tamoxifen OR Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active OR VincristineOR Cholinesterase Inhibitors OR Antidepressive Agents, Second-Generation OR Antitubercular AgentsOR Hypolipidemic Agents OR Antineoplastic Agents, Alkylating OR Gastrointestinal Agents ORAromatase Inhibitors OR Antithyroid Agents OR Organophosphonates OR Cyclooxygenase InhibitorsOR Antidepressive Agents, Tricyclic OR Antimanic Agents OR Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors ORDipeptidyl-Peptidase IV Inhibitors OR Anti-Retroviral Agents OR Methyl Ethers OR Chelating AgentsOR Anticholesteremic Agents OR Contraceptive Agents, Female OR Anti-Asthmatic Agents ORDopamine Uptake Inhibitors OR HIV Protease Inhibitors OR N-Methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamineOR Mycophenolic Acid OR Bronchodilator Agents OR Hydroxychloroquine OR NeurotransmitterAgents OR Anti-Obesity Agents OR Anabolic Agents OR Anesthetics OR Cardiovascular Agents ORHistone Deacetylase Inhibitors OR Alkylating Agents OR Chloroquine OR Antifibrinolytic Agents ORBenzoxazines OR Protease Inhibitors OR Fertility Agents, Female OR Dopamine Agents OR Anti-Infective Agents, Local OR Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors OR Neuromuscular Agents OR Anti-Allergic Agents OR Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors OR Neuromuscular Nondepolarizing Agents ORNootropic Agents OR Photosensitizing Agents OR 5-alpha Reductase Inhibitors OR Sweetening AgentsOR Sensory System Agents OR Adrenergic Agents OR Adrenergic Uptake Inhibitors OR Indicators andReagents OR Antitussive Agents OR Surface-Active Agents OR Antimutagenic AgentsORIIIB3b. TOPIC71 (“increas* amyloid-beta” OR “increas* beta-amyloid” OR “increas* Abeta” OR “increas* senile plaque*”OR “increas* tau aggregat*” OR “increas* T-tau” OR “increas* P-tau” OR “increas*total tau” OR”increas* phospho-tau” OR “increas* tau protein*” OR “increas* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “increas*neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “enhanc* amyloid-beta” OR “enhanc* beta-amyloid” OR “enhanc* Abeta”OR “enhanc* senile plaque*” OR “enhanc* tau aggregat*” OR “enhanc* T-tau” OR “enhanc* P-tau” OR”enhanc*total tau” OR “enhanc* phospho-tau” OR “enhanc* tau protein*” OR “enhanc*hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “enhanc* neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “stimulat* amyloid-beta” OR”stimulat* beta-amyloid” OR “stimulat* Abeta” OR “stimulat* senile plaque*” OR “stimulat* tau aggregat*” OR “stimulat* T-tau” OR “stimulat* P-tau” OR “stimulat*total tau” OR “stimulat* phospho-tau” OR “stimulat* tau protein*” OR “stimulat* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “stimulat* neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “elevat* amyloid-beta” OR “elevat* beta-amyloid” OR “elevat* Abeta” OR “elevat* senile plaque*” OR “elevat* tau aggregat*” OR “elevat* T-tau” OR “elevat* P-tau” OR “elevat*total tau” OR”elevat* phospho-tau” OR “elevat* tau protein*” OR “elevat* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “elevat*neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “induc* amyloid-beta” OR “induc* beta-amyloid” OR “induc* Abeta” OR”induc* senile plaque*” OR “induc* tau aggregat*” OR “induc* T-tau” OR “induc* P-tau” OR”induc*total tau” OR “induc* phospho-tau” OR “induc* tau protein*” OR “induc* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “induc* neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “produc* amyloid-beta” OR “produc* beta-amyloid” OR”produc* Abeta” OR “produc* senile plaque*” OR “produc* tau aggregat*” OR “produc* T-tau” OR”produc* P-tau” OR “produc*total tau” OR “produc* phospho-tau” OR “produc* tau protein*” OR”produc* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “produc* neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “accelerat* amyloid-beta”OR “accelerat* beta-amyloid” OR “accelerat* Abeta” OR “accelerat* senile plaque*” OR “accelerat* tau aggregat*” OR “accelerat* T-tau” OR “accelerat* P-tau” OR “accelerat*total tau” OR “accelerat*phospho-tau” OR “accelerat* tau protein*” OR “accelerat* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “accelerat*neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “amyloid-beta induc* by” OR “beta-amyloid induc* by” OR “Abeta induc*by” OR “senile plaque* induc* by” OR “tau aggregat* induc* by” OR “T-tau induc* by” OR “P-tau induc* by” OR “total tau induc* by” OR “phospho-tau induc* by” OR “tau protein* induc* by” OR”hyperphosphorylated tau induc* by” OR “neurofibrillary tangle* induc* by” OR “amyloid-beta produc*by” OR “beta-amyloid produc* by” OR “Abeta produc* by” OR “senile plaque* produc* by” OR “tau aggregat* produc* by” OR “T-tau produc* by” OR “P-tau produc* by” OR “total tau produc* by” OR”phospho-tau produc* by” OR “tau protein* produc* by” OR “hyperphosphorylated tau produc* by” OR”neurofibrillary tangle* produc* by” OR “caus* Alzheimer*” OR “caus* dementia” OR “caus* cognitive decline” OR “caus* brain* decline” OR “caus* functional decline” OR “caus* memory decline” OR”caus* cognitive deficit*” OR “caus* language deficit*” OR “caus* memory deficit*” OR “caus*plasticity deficit*” OR “caus* behavioral deficit*” OR “caus* saccade deficit*” OR “caus* learning deficit*” OR “caus* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “caus* cognitive impair*” OR “caus* vascular impair*” OR “caus* memory impair*” OR “caus* neurogenesis impair*” OR “caus* neuropsychological impair*” OR “caus* mind impair*” OR “caus* functional impair*” OR “caus* learning impair*” OR”caus* executive function impair*” OR “caus* cognitive loss*” OR “caus* neuronal loss*” OR “caus*synaptic loss*” OR “caus* memory loss*” OR “caus* loss of memory” OR “caus* hearing loss*” OR”caus* volume loss*” OR “caus* Impair* face recognition” OR “caus* Impair* reasoning” OR “caus*Impair* judgment” OR “caus* Impair* problem solving” OR “caus* inflamm*” OR “caus* oxidative stress” OR “caus* neuropathology” OR “caus* diabetes” OR “caus* hypertension” OR “caus* high 72 cholesterol” OR “caus* hypercholesterolemia” OR “caus* obesity” OR “caus* metabolic syndrome” OR”induc* Alzheimer*” OR “induc* dementia” OR “induc* cognitive decline” OR “induc* brain* decline”OR “induc* functional decline” OR “induc* memory decline” OR “induc* cognitive deficit*” OR “induc*language deficit*” OR “induc* memory deficit*” OR “induc* plasticity deficit*” OR “induc* behavioral deficit*” OR “induc* saccade deficit*” OR “induc* learning deficit*” OR “induc* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “induc* cognitive impair*” OR “induc* vascular impair*” OR “induc* memory impair*”OR “induc* neurogenesis impair*” OR “induc* neuropsychological impair*” OR “induc* mind impair*”OR “induc* functional impair*” OR “induc* learning impair*” OR “induc* executive function impair*”OR “induc* cognitive loss*” OR “induc* neuronal loss*” OR “induc* synaptic loss*” OR “induc*memory loss*” OR “induc* loss of memory” OR “induc* hearing loss*” OR “induc* volume loss*” OR”induc* Impair* face recognition” OR “induc* Impair* reasoning” OR “induc* Impair* judgment” OR”induc* Impair* problem solving” OR “induc* inflamm*” OR “induc* oxidative stress” OR “induc*neuropathology” OR “induc* diabetes” OR “induc* hypertension” OR “induc* high cholesterol” OR”induc* hypercholesterolemia” OR “induc* obesity” OR “induc* metabolic syndrome” OR “produc*Alzheimer*” OR “produc* dementia” OR “produc* cognitive decline” OR “produc* brain* decline” OR”produc* functional decline” OR “produc* memory decline” OR “produc* cognitive deficit*” OR”produc* language deficit*” OR “produc* memory deficit*” OR “produc* plasticity deficit*” OR”produc* behavioral deficit*” OR “produc* saccade deficit*” OR “produc* learning deficit*” OR”produc* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “produc* cognitive impair*” OR “produc* vascular impair*”OR “produc* memory impair*” OR “produc* neurogenesis impair*” OR “produc* neuropsychological impair*” OR “produc* mind impair*” OR “produc* functional impair*” OR “produc* learning impair*”OR “produc* executive function impair*” OR “produc* cognitive loss*” OR “produc* neuronal loss*”OR “produc* synaptic loss*” OR “produc* memory loss*” OR “produc* loss of memory” OR “produc*hearing loss*” OR “produc* volume loss*” OR “produc* Impair* face recognition” OR “produc* Impair*reasoning” OR “produc* Impair* judgment” OR “produc* Impair* problem solving” OR “produc*inflamm*” OR “produc* oxidative stress” OR “produc* neuropathology” OR “produc* diabetes” OR”produc* hypertension” OR “produc* high cholesterol” OR “produc* hypercholesterolemia” OR”produc* obesity” OR “produc* metabolic syndrome” OR “increas* Alzheimer*” OR “increas*dementia” OR “increas* cognitive decline” OR “increas* brain* decline” OR “increas* functional decline” OR “increas* memory decline” OR “increas* cognitive deficit*” OR “increas* language deficit*” OR “increas* memory deficit*” OR “increas* plasticity deficit*” OR “increas* behavioral deficit*” OR “increas* saccade deficit*” OR “increas* learning deficit*” OR “increas*neuropsychological deficit*” OR “increas* cognitive impair*” OR “increas* vascular impair*” OR”increas* memory impair*” OR “increas* neurogenesis impair*” OR “increas* neuropsychological impair*” OR “increas* mind impair*” OR “increas* functional impair*” OR “increas* learning impair*”OR “increas* executive function impair*” OR “increas* cognitive loss*” OR “increas* neuronal loss*”OR “increas* synaptic loss*” OR “increas* memory loss*” OR “increas* loss of memory” OR “increas*hearing loss*” OR “increas* volume loss*” OR “increas* Impair* face recognition” OR “increas* Impair*reasoning” OR “increas* Impair* judgment” OR “increas* Impair* problem solving” OR “increas*inflamm*” OR “increas* oxidative stress” OR “increas* neuropathology” OR “increas* diabetes” OR”increas* hypertension” OR “increas* high cholesterol” OR “increas* hypercholesterolemia” OR”increas* obesity” OR “increas* metabolic syndrome” OR “exacerbat* Alzheimer*” OR “exacerbat*73 dementia” OR “exacerbat* cognitive decline” OR “exacerbat* brain* decline” OR “exacerbat* functional decline” OR “exacerbat* memory decline” OR “exacerbat* cognitive deficit*” OR “exacerbat* language deficit*” OR “exacerbat* memory deficit*” OR “exacerbat* plasticity deficit*” OR “exacerbat*behavioral deficit*” OR “exacerbat* saccade deficit*” OR “exacerbat* learning deficit*” OR “exacerbat*neuropsychological deficit*” OR “exacerbat* cognitive impair*” OR “exacerbat* vascular impair*” OR”exacerbat* memory impair*” OR “exacerbat* neurogenesis impair*” OR “exacerbat*neuropsychological impair*” OR “exacerbat* mind impair*” OR “exacerbat* functional impair*” OR”exacerbat* learning impair*” OR “exacerbat* executive function impair*” OR “exacerbat* cognitive loss*” OR “exacerbat* neuronal loss*” OR “exacerbat* synaptic loss*” OR “exacerbat* memory loss*”OR “exacerbat* loss of memory” OR “exacerbat* hearing loss*” OR “exacerbat* volume loss*” OR”exacerbat* Impair* face recognition” OR “exacerbat* Impair* reasoning” OR “exacerbat* Impair*judgment” OR “exacerbat* Impair* problem solving” OR “exacerbat* inflamm*” OR “exacerbat*oxidative stress” OR “exacerbat* neuropathology” OR “exacerbat* diabetes” OR “exacerbat*hypertension” OR “exacerbat* high cholesterol” OR “exacerbat* hypercholesterolemia” OR “exacerbat*obesity” OR “exacerbat* metabolic syndrome” OR “trigger* Alzheimer*” OR “trigger* dementia” OR”trigger* cognitive decline” OR “trigger* brain* decline” OR “trigger* functional decline” OR “trigger*memory decline” OR “trigger* cognitive deficit*” OR “trigger* language deficit*” OR “trigger* memory deficit*” OR “trigger* plasticity deficit*” OR “trigger* behavioral deficit*” OR “trigger* saccade deficit*” OR “trigger* learning deficit*” OR “trigger* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “trigger*cognitive impair*” OR “trigger* vascular impair*” OR “trigger* memory impair*” OR “trigger*neurogenesis impair*” OR “trigger* neuropsychological impair*” OR “trigger* mind impair*” OR”trigger* functional impair*” OR “trigger* learning impair*” OR “trigger* executive function impair*”OR “trigger* cognitive loss*” OR “trigger* neuronal loss*” OR “trigger* synaptic loss*” OR “trigger*memory loss*” OR “trigger* loss of memory” OR “trigger* hearing loss*” OR “trigger* volume loss*”OR “trigger* Impair* face recognition” OR “trigger* Impair* reasoning” OR “trigger* Impair* judgment”OR “trigger* Impair* problem solving” OR “trigger* inflamm*” OR “trigger* oxidative stress” OR”trigger* neuropathology” OR “trigger* diabetes” OR “trigger* hypertension” OR “trigger* high cholesterol” OR “trigger* hypercholesterolemia” OR “trigger* obesity” OR “trigger* metabolic syndrome” OR “accelerat* Alzheimer*” OR “accelerat* dementia” OR “accelerat* cognitive decline” OR”accelerat* brain* decline” OR “accelerat* functional decline” OR “accelerat* memory decline” OR”accelerat* cognitive deficit*” OR “accelerat* language deficit*” OR “accelerat* memory deficit*” OR”accelerat* plasticity deficit*” OR “accelerat* behavioral deficit*” OR “accelerat* saccade deficit*” OR”accelerat* learning deficit*” OR “accelerat* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “accelerat* cognitive impair*” OR “accelerat* vascular impair*” OR “accelerat* memory impair*” OR “accelerat*neurogenesis impair*” OR “accelerat* neuropsychological impair*” OR “accelerat* mind impair*” OR”accelerat* functional impair*” OR “accelerat* learning impair*” OR “accelerat* executive function impair*” OR “accelerat* cognitive loss*” OR “accelerat* neuronal loss*” OR “accelerat* synaptic loss*”OR “accelerat* memory loss*” OR “accelerat* loss of memory” OR “accelerat* hearing loss*” OR”accelerat* volume loss*” OR “accelerat* Impair* face recognition” OR “accelerat* Impair* reasoning”OR “accelerat* Impair* judgment” OR “accelerat* Impair* problem solving” OR “accelerat* inflamm*”OR “accelerat* oxidative stress” OR “accelerat* neuropathology” OR “accelerat* diabetes” OR”accelerat* hypertension” OR “accelerat* high cholesterol” OR “accelerat* hypercholesterolemia” OR74″accelerat* obesity” OR “accelerat* metabolic syndrome” OR “Alzheimer* * caused by” OR “dementia caused by” OR “cognitive decline caused by” OR “brain* decline caused by” OR “functional decline caused by” OR “memory decline caused by” OR “cognitive deficit* caused by” OR “language deficit*caused by” OR “memory deficit* caused by” OR “plasticity deficit* caused by” OR “behavioral deficit*caused by” OR “saccade deficit* caused by” OR “learning deficit* caused by” OR “neuropsychological deficit* caused by” OR “cognitive impair* caused by” OR “vascular impair* caused by” OR “memory impair* caused by” OR “neurogenesis impair* caused by” OR “neuropsychological impair* caused by”OR “mind impair* caused by” OR “functional impair* caused by” OR “learning impair* caused by” OR “executive function impair* caused by” OR “cognitive loss* caused by” OR “neuronal loss* caused by”OR “synaptic loss* caused by” OR “memory loss* caused by” OR “loss of memory caused by” OR”hearing loss* caused by” OR “volume loss* caused by” OR “Impair* face recognition caused by” OR”Impair* reasoning caused by” OR “Impair* judgment caused by” OR “Impair* problem solving caused by” OR “inflamm* caused by” OR “oxidative stress caused by” OR “neuropathology caused by” OR”diabetes caused by” OR “hypertension caused by” OR “high cholesterol caused by” OR”hypercholesterolemia caused by” OR “obesity caused by” OR “metabolic syndrome caused by” OR”Alzheimer* * induced by” OR “dementia induced by” OR “cognitive decline induced by” OR “brain*decline induced by” OR “functional decline induced by” OR “memory decline induced by” OR “cognitive deficit* induced by” OR “language deficit* induced by” OR “memory deficit* induced by” OR “plasticity deficit* induced by” OR “behavioral deficit* induced by” OR “saccade deficit* induced by” OR “learning deficit* induced by” OR “neuropsychological deficit* induced by” OR “cognitive impair* induced by”OR “vascular impair* induced by” OR “memory impair* induced by” OR “neurogenesis impair* induced by” OR “neuropsychological impair* induced by” OR “mind impair* induced by” OR “functional impair*induced by” OR “learning impair* induced by” OR ” executive function impair* induced by” OR”cognitive loss* induced by” OR “neuronal loss* induced by” OR “synaptic loss* induced by” OR”memory loss* induced by” OR “loss of memory induced by” OR “hearing loss* induced by” OR”volume loss* induced by” OR “Impair* face recognition induced by” OR “Impair* reasoning induced by” OR “Impair* judgment induced by” OR “Impair* problem solving induced by” OR “inflamm*induced by” OR “oxidative stress induced by” OR “neuropathology induced by” OR “diabetes induced by” OR “hypertension induced by” OR “high cholesterol induced by” OR “hypercholesterolemia induced by” OR “obesity induced by” OR “metabolic syndrome induced by”)



Antineoplastic Agents OR Anticoagulants OR Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols ORAnti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal OR Hypoglycemic Agents OR Anti-Bacterial Agents ORAntipsychotic Agents OR Immunosuppressive Agents OR Anticonvulsants OR Platelet AggregationInhibitors OR Glucocorticoids OR Analgesics, Opioid OR Drug-Related Side Effects and AdverseReactions OR Warfarin OR Analgesics OR Doxorubicin OR Cisplatin OR Protein Kinase Inhibitors ORFibrinolytic Agents OR Fluorouracil OR Antirheumatic Agents OR Antihypertensive Agents ORPyridines OR Cyclophosphamide OR Bone Density Conservation Agents OR Antiviral Agents ORBleomycin OR Antidepressive Agents OR Serotonin Uptake Inhibitors OR Thiophenes OR Antibiotics, Antineoplastic OR Angiogenesis Inhibitors OR Drug Hypersensitivity OR Proton Pump Inhibitors ORDeoxycytidine OR Ticlopidine OR Organoplatinum Compounds OR Anti-Arrhythmia Agents ORAngiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors OR Anti-HIV Agents OR Paclitaxel OR Chemotherapy,Adjuvant OR Acetaminophen OR Quinazolines OR Taxoids OR Vasodilator Agents OR Pilocarpine ORTriazoles OR Benzodiazepines OR Anti-Infective Agents OR Estrogens OR Thiazolidinediones ORAntineoplastic Agents, Hormonal OR Antineoplastic Agents, Phytogenic OR Cyclooxygenase 2Inhibitors OR Anti-Ulcer Agents OR Cyclosporine OR Vasoconstrictor Agents OR Anthracyclines ORAnticarcinogenic Agents OR Convulsants OR Calcium Channel Blockers OR Cardiotonic Agents ORDermatologic Agents OR Isoproterenol OR Antifungal Agents OR Ribavirin OR Antiparkinson AgentsOR Clozapine OR Carboplatin OR Tamoxifen OR Antiretroviral Therapy, Highly Active OR VincristineOR Cholinesterase Inhibitors OR Antidepressive Agents, Second-Generation OR Antitubercular AgentsOR Hypolipidemic Agents OR Antineoplastic Agents, Alkylating OR Gastrointestinal Agents ORAromatase Inhibitors OR Antithyroid Agents OR Organophosphonates OR Cyclooxygenase InhibitorsOR Antidepressive Agents, Tricyclic OR Antimanic Agents OR Phosphodiesterase 5 Inhibitors ORDipeptidyl-Peptidase IV Inhibitors OR Anti-Retroviral Agents OR Methyl Ethers OR Chelating AgentsOR Anticholesteremic Agents OR Contraceptive Agents, Female OR Anti-Asthmatic Agents ORDopamine Uptake Inhibitors OR HIV Protease Inhibitors OR N-Methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamineOR Mycophenolic Acid OR Bronchodilator Agents OR Hydroxychloroquine OR NeurotransmitterAgents OR Anti-Obesity Agents OR Anabolic Agents OR Anesthetics OR Cardiovascular Agents ORHistone Deacetylase Inhibitors OR Alkylating Agents OR Chloroquine OR Antifibrinolytic Agents ORBenzoxazines OR Protease Inhibitors OR Fertility Agents, Female OR Dopamine Agents OR Anti-Infective Agents, Local OR Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors OR Neuromuscular Agents OR Anti-Allergic Agents OR Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors OR Neuromuscular Nondepolarizing Agents ORNootropic Agents OR Photosensitizing Agents OR 5-alpha Reductase Inhibitors OR Sweetening AgentsOR Sensory System Agents OR Adrenergic Agents OR Adrenergic Uptake Inhibitors OR Indicators andReagents OR Antitussive Agents OR Surface-Active Agents OR Antimutagenic Agents




(“poison*” OR “ecotoxologic* effect*” OR “occupation*” OR pollut* OR “*virus*” OR environmental OR “induc*” OR “damage-caus*” OR “drug*-caus*” OR “infect*-caus*” OR “chemotherapy-caus*” OR”treat*-caus*” OR “anesthesia-caus*” OR “chemical*-caus*” OR “cytokine*-caus*” OR “surg*-caus*”OR “radiation-caus*” OR “steroid-caus*” OR “mechanically-caus*” OR “promot* progression” OR”caus* accumulation” OR “caus* * accumulation” OR “progression of” OR expos* OR contamina* ORchemicals OR abuse* OR induc* OR “long-term effect*” OR “inhibit* *protection” OR dysfunction* ORaggregation OR accumulation OR “disease link* to” OR “chemical initiator*” OR “stimulat* microglia”OR “activat* microglia” OR “increas* risk*” OR “increas* the risk*” OR “adverse event*” OR “adverse reaction*” OR “adverse * event*” OR “adverse * reaction” OR “adverse effect*” OR “adverse * effect*”OR hypersensitivity OR aggravat* OR exacerbat* OR detriment* OR *TOXI* OR “caus* * degrad*” OR76″increas* * degrad*” OR “caus* * damag*” OR “increas* * damag*” OR “*toxi* caus* by” OR “*toxi*increas* by” OR “*toxi* produc* by” OR “*toxi* enhanc* by” OR “*toxi* stimulat* by” OR “*toxi*accelerat* by” OR “damag* caus* by” OR “*damag* increas* by” OR deleterious OR deteriorat* ORtrigger* OR worsen* OR harm* OR hazard* OR “side-effect*” OR dangerous OR destructive ORinjurious OR unsafe)



Lipopolysaccharides OR Malondialdehyde OR Neurotoxicity Syndromes OR Carbon Tetrachloride ORFormaldehyde OR 9,10-Dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene OR Trinitrobenzenesulfonic Acid OR InsecticidesOR Endocrine Disruptors OR Diethylnitrosamine OR Hydrogen Peroxide OR Benzhydryl CompoundsOR Chemical Warfare Agents OR Asbestos OR Herbicides OR Organometallic Compounds ORScopolamine Hydrobromide OR Silicon Dioxide OR Polychlorinated Biphenyls OR 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine OR Benzo(a)pyrene OR Fluorocarbons OR Nitrogen Dioxide OR PolycyclicHydrocarbons, Aromatic OR Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin OR Metals, Heavy OR Hydrocarbons,Chlorinated OR Chemical Industry OR 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine OR Ethylene Glycol OR Nitrosamines ORBenzene OR Fluorides OR Agricultural Workers’ Diseases OR Bromodeoxyuridine OR Chromium OROrganophosphorus Compounds OR Organic Chemicals OR Carbon Monoxide OR BenzalkoniumCompounds OR Chlorpyrifos OR Organophosphates OR Organophosphate Poisoning OR VolatileOrganic Compounds OR Diethylhexyl Phthalate OR Sulfur Dioxide OR Petroleum OR MethylmercuryCompounds OR Chlorine OR Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene OR Hydrocarbons ORTrichloroethylene OR Carbon Tetrachloride Poisoning OR 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic Acid ORAlkanesulfonic Acids OR Plasticizers OR Halogenated Diphenyl Ethers OR Benzene Derivatives ORDinitrofluorobenzene OR Toluene 2,4-Diisocyanate OR Benzopyrenes OR Cyclohexenes ORNitrobenzenes OR Plastics OR Trihalomethanes OR Hydrocarbons, Brominated


(“increas* amyloid-beta” OR “increas* beta-amyloid” OR “increas* Abeta” OR “increas* senile plaque*”OR “increas* tau aggregat*” OR “increas* T-tau” OR “increas* P-tau” OR “increas*total tau” OR”increas* phospho-tau” OR “increas* tau protein*” OR “increas* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “increas*neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “enhanc* amyloid-beta” OR “enhanc* beta-amyloid” OR “enhanc* Abeta”OR “enhanc* senile plaque*” OR “enhanc* tau aggregat*” OR “enhanc* T-tau” OR “enhanc* P-tau” OR”enhanc*total tau” OR “enhanc* phospho-tau” OR “enhanc* tau protein*” OR “enhanc*hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “enhanc* neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “stimulat* amyloid-beta” OR”stimulat* beta-amyloid” OR “stimulat* Abeta” OR “stimulat* senile plaque*” OR “stimulat* tau aggregat*” OR “stimulat* T-tau” OR “stimulat* P-tau” OR “stimulat*total tau” OR “stimulat* phospho-tau” OR “stimulat* tau protein*” OR “stimulat* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “stimulat* neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “elevat* amyloid-beta” OR “elevat* beta-amyloid” OR “elevat* Abeta” OR “elevat* senile plaque*” OR “elevat* tau aggregat*” OR “elevat* T-tau” OR “elevat* P-tau” OR “elevat*total tau” OR77″elevat* phospho-tau” OR “elevat* tau protein*” OR “elevat* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “elevat*neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “induc* amyloid-beta” OR “induc* beta-amyloid” OR “induc* Abeta” OR”induc* senile plaque*” OR “induc* tau aggregat*” OR “induc* T-tau” OR “induc* P-tau” OR”induc*total tau” OR “induc* phospho-tau” OR “induc* tau protein*” OR “induc* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “induc* neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “produc* amyloid-beta” OR “produc* beta-amyloid” OR”produc* Abeta” OR “produc* senile plaque*” OR “produc* tau aggregat*” OR “produc* T-tau” OR”produc* P-tau” OR “produc*total tau” OR “produc* phospho-tau” OR “produc* tau protein*” OR”produc* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “produc* neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “accelerat* amyloid-beta”OR “accelerat* beta-amyloid” OR “accelerat* Abeta” OR “accelerat* senile plaque*” OR “accelerat* tau aggregat*” OR “accelerat* T-tau” OR “accelerat* P-tau” OR “accelerat*total tau” OR “accelerat*phospho-tau” OR “accelerat* tau protein*” OR “accelerat* hyperphosphorylated tau” OR “accelerat*neurofibrillary tangle*” OR “amyloid-beta induc* by” OR “beta-amyloid induc* by” OR “Abeta induc*by” OR “senile plaque* induc* by” OR “tau aggregat* induc* by” OR “T-tau induc* by” OR “P-tau induc* by” OR “total tau induc* by” OR “phospho-tau induc* by” OR “tau protein* induc* by” OR”hyperphosphorylated tau induc* by” OR “neurofibrillary tangle* induc* by” OR “amyloid-beta produc*by” OR “beta-amyloid produc* by” OR “Abeta produc* by” OR “senile plaque* produc* by” OR “tau aggregat* produc* by” OR “T-tau produc* by” OR “P-tau produc* by” OR “total tau produc* by” OR”phospho-tau produc* by” OR “tau protein* produc* by” OR “hyperphosphorylated tau produc* by” OR”neurofibrillary tangle* produc* by” OR “caus* Alzheimer*” OR “caus* dementia” OR “caus* cognitive decline” OR “caus* brain* decline” OR “caus* functional decline” OR “caus* memory decline” OR”caus* cognitive deficit*” OR “caus* language deficit*” OR “caus* memory deficit*” OR “caus*plasticity deficit*” OR “caus* behavioral deficit*” OR “caus* saccade deficit*” OR “caus* learning deficit*” OR “caus* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “caus* cognitive impair*” OR “caus* vascular impair*” OR “caus* memory impair*” OR “caus* neurogenesis impair*” OR “caus* neuropsychological impair*” OR “caus* mind impair*” OR “caus* functional impair*” OR “caus* learning impair*” OR”caus* executive function impair*” OR “caus* cognitive loss*” OR “caus* neuronal loss*” OR “caus*synaptic loss*” OR “caus* memory loss*” OR “caus* loss of memory” OR “caus* hearing loss*” OR”caus* volume loss*” OR “caus* Impair* face recognition” OR “caus* Impair* reasoning” OR “caus*Impair* judgment” OR “caus* Impair* problem solving” OR “caus* inflamm*” OR “caus* oxidative stress” OR “caus* neuropathology” OR “caus* diabetes” OR “caus* hypertension” OR “caus* high cholesterol” OR “caus* hypercholesterolemia” OR “caus* obesity” OR “caus* metabolic syndrome” OR”induc* Alzheimer*” OR “induc* dementia” OR “induc* cognitive decline” OR “induc* brain* decline”OR “induc* functional decline” OR “induc* memory decline” OR “induc* cognitive deficit*” OR “induc*language deficit*” OR “induc* memory deficit*” OR “induc* plasticity deficit*” OR “induc* behavioral deficit*” OR “induc* saccade deficit*” OR “induc* learning deficit*” OR “induc* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “induc* cognitive impair*” OR “induc* vascular impair*” OR “induc* memory impair*”OR “induc* neurogenesis impair*” OR “induc* neuropsychological impair*” OR “induc* mind impair*”OR “induc* functional impair*” OR “induc* learning impair*” OR “induc* executive function impair*”OR “induc* cognitive loss*” OR “induc* neuronal loss*” OR “induc* synaptic loss*” OR “induc*memory loss*” OR “induc* loss of memory” OR “induc* hearing loss*” OR “induc* volume loss*” OR”induc* Impair* face recognition” OR “induc* Impair* reasoning” OR “induc* Impair* judgment” OR”induc* Impair* problem solving” OR “induc* inflamm*” OR “induc* oxidative stress” OR “induc*78 neuropathology” OR “induc* diabetes” OR “induc* hypertension” OR “induc* high cholesterol” OR”induc* hypercholesterolemia” OR “induc* obesity” OR “induc* metabolic syndrome” OR “produc*Alzheimer*” OR “produc* dementia” OR “produc* cognitive decline” OR “produc* brain* decline” OR”produc* functional decline” OR “produc* memory decline” OR “produc* cognitive deficit*” OR”produc* language deficit*” OR “produc* memory deficit*” OR “produc* plasticity deficit*” OR”produc* behavioral deficit*” OR “produc* saccade deficit*” OR “produc* learning deficit*” OR”produc* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “produc* cognitive impair*” OR “produc* vascular impair*”OR “produc* memory impair*” OR “produc* neurogenesis impair*” OR “produc* neuropsychological impair*” OR “produc* mind impair*” OR “produc* functional impair*” OR “produc* learning impair*”OR “produc* executive function impair*” OR “produc* cognitive loss*” OR “produc* neuronal loss*”OR “produc* synaptic loss*” OR “produc* memory loss*” OR “produc* loss of memory” OR “produc*hearing loss*” OR “produc* volume loss*” OR “produc* Impair* face recognition” OR “produc* Impair*reasoning” OR “produc* Impair* judgment” OR “produc* Impair* problem solving” OR “produc*inflamm*” OR “produc* oxidative stress” OR “produc* neuropathology” OR “produc* diabetes” OR”produc* hypertension” OR “produc* high cholesterol” OR “produc* hypercholesterolemia” OR”produc* obesity” OR “produc* metabolic syndrome” OR “increas* Alzheimer*” OR “increas*dementia” OR “increas* cognitive decline” OR “increas* brain* decline” OR “increas* functional decline” OR “increas* memory decline” OR “increas* cognitive deficit*” OR “increas* language deficit*” OR “increas* memory deficit*” OR “increas* plasticity deficit*” OR “increas* behavioral deficit*” OR “increas* saccade deficit*” OR “increas* learning deficit*” OR “increas*neuropsychological deficit*” OR “increas* cognitive impair*” OR “increas* vascular impair*” OR”increas* memory impair*” OR “increas* neurogenesis impair*” OR “increas* neuropsychological impair*” OR “increas* mind impair*” OR “increas* functional impair*” OR “increas* learning impair*”OR “increas* executive function impair*” OR “increas* cognitive loss*” OR “increas* neuronal loss*”OR “increas* synaptic loss*” OR “increas* memory loss*” OR “increas* loss of memory” OR “increas*hearing loss*” OR “increas* volume loss*” OR “increas* Impair* face recognition” OR “increas* Impair*reasoning” OR “increas* Impair* judgment” OR “increas* Impair* problem solving” OR “increas*inflamm*” OR “increas* oxidative stress” OR “increas* neuropathology” OR “increas* diabetes” OR”increas* hypertension” OR “increas* high cholesterol” OR “increas* hypercholesterolemia” OR”increas* obesity” OR “increas* metabolic syndrome” OR “exacerbat* Alzheimer*” OR “exacerbat*dementia” OR “exacerbat* cognitive decline” OR “exacerbat* brain* decline” OR “exacerbat* functional decline” OR “exacerbat* memory decline” OR “exacerbat* cognitive deficit*” OR “exacerbat* language deficit*” OR “exacerbat* memory deficit*” OR “exacerbat* plasticity deficit*” OR “exacerbat*behavioral deficit*” OR “exacerbat* saccade deficit*” OR “exacerbat* learning deficit*” OR “exacerbat*neuropsychological deficit*” OR “exacerbat* cognitive impair*” OR “exacerbat* vascular impair*” OR”exacerbat* memory impair*” OR “exacerbat* neurogenesis impair*” OR “exacerbat*neuropsychological impair*” OR “exacerbat* mind impair*” OR “exacerbat* functional impair*” OR”exacerbat* learning impair*” OR “exacerbat* executive function impair*” OR “exacerbat* cognitive loss*” OR “exacerbat* neuronal loss*” OR “exacerbat* synaptic loss*” OR “exacerbat* memory loss*”OR “exacerbat* loss of memory” OR “exacerbat* hearing loss*” OR “exacerbat* volume loss*” OR”exacerbat* Impair* face recognition” OR “exacerbat* Impair* reasoning” OR “exacerbat* Impair*judgment” OR “exacerbat* Impair* problem solving” OR “exacerbat* inflamm*” OR “exacerbat*79 oxidative stress” OR “exacerbat* neuropathology” OR “exacerbat* diabetes” OR “exacerbat*hypertension” OR “exacerbat* high cholesterol” OR “exacerbat* hypercholesterolemia” OR “exacerbat*obesity” OR “exacerbat* metabolic syndrome” OR “trigger* Alzheimer*” OR “trigger* dementia” OR”trigger* cognitive decline” OR “trigger* brain* decline” OR “trigger* functional decline” OR “trigger*memory decline” OR “trigger* cognitive deficit*” OR “trigger* language deficit*” OR “trigger* memory deficit*” OR “trigger* plasticity deficit*” OR “trigger* behavioral deficit*” OR “trigger* saccade deficit*” OR “trigger* learning deficit*” OR “trigger* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “trigger*cognitive impair*” OR “trigger* vascular impair*” OR “trigger* memory impair*” OR “trigger*neurogenesis impair*” OR “trigger* neuropsychological impair*” OR “trigger* mind impair*” OR”trigger* functional impair*” OR “trigger* learning impair*” OR “trigger* executive function impair*”OR “trigger* cognitive loss*” OR “trigger* neuronal loss*” OR “trigger* synaptic loss*” OR “trigger*memory loss*” OR “trigger* loss of memory” OR “trigger* hearing loss*” OR “trigger* volume loss*”OR “trigger* Impair* face recognition” OR “trigger* Impair* reasoning” OR “trigger* Impair* judgment”OR “trigger* Impair* problem solving” OR “trigger* inflamm*” OR “trigger* oxidative stress” OR”trigger* neuropathology” OR “trigger* diabetes” OR “trigger* hypertension” OR “trigger* high cholesterol” OR “trigger* hypercholesterolemia” OR “trigger* obesity” OR “trigger* metabolic syndrome” OR “accelerat* Alzheimer*” OR “accelerat* dementia” OR “accelerat* cognitive decline” OR”accelerat* brain* decline” OR “accelerat* functional decline” OR “accelerat* memory decline” OR”accelerat* cognitive deficit*” OR “accelerat* language deficit*” OR “accelerat* memory deficit*” OR”accelerat* plasticity deficit*” OR “accelerat* behavioral deficit*” OR “accelerat* saccade deficit*” OR”accelerat* learning deficit*” OR “accelerat* neuropsychological deficit*” OR “accelerat* cognitive impair*” OR “accelerat* vascular impair*” OR “accelerat* memory impair*” OR “accelerat*neurogenesis impair*” OR “accelerat* neuropsychological impair*” OR “accelerat* mind impair*” OR”accelerat* functional impair*” OR “accelerat* learning impair*” OR “accelerat* executive function impair*” OR “accelerat* cognitive loss*” OR “accelerat* neuronal loss*” OR “accelerat* synaptic loss*”OR “accelerat* memory loss*” OR “accelerat* loss of memory” OR “accelerat* hearing loss*” OR”accelerat* volume loss*” OR “accelerat* Impair* face recognition” OR “accelerat* Impair* reasoning”OR “accelerat* Impair* judgment” OR “accelerat* Impair* problem solving” OR “accelerat* inflamm*”OR “accelerat* oxidative stress” OR “accelerat* neuropathology” OR “accelerat* diabetes” OR”accelerat* hypertension” OR “accelerat* high cholesterol” OR “accelerat* hypercholesterolemia” OR”accelerat* obesity” OR “accelerat* metabolic syndrome” OR “Alzheimer* * caused by” OR “dementia caused by” OR “cognitive decline caused by” OR “brain* decline caused by” OR “functional decline caused by” OR “memory decline caused by” OR “cognitive deficit* caused by” OR “language deficit*caused by” OR “memory deficit* caused by” OR “plasticity deficit* caused by” OR “behavioral deficit*caused by” OR “saccade deficit* caused by” OR “learning deficit* caused by” OR “neuropsychological deficit* caused by” OR “cognitive impair* caused by” OR “vascular impair* caused by” OR “memory impair* caused by” OR “neurogenesis impair* caused by” OR “neuropsychological impair* caused by”OR “mind impair* caused by” OR “functional impair* caused by” OR “learning impair* caused by” OR “executive function impair* caused by” OR “cognitive loss* caused by” OR “neuronal loss* caused by”OR “synaptic loss* caused by” OR “memory loss* caused by” OR “loss of memory caused by” OR”hearing loss* caused by” OR “volume loss* caused by” OR “Impair* face recognition caused by” OR”Impair* reasoning caused by” OR “Impair* judgment caused by” OR “Impair* problem solving caused 80 by” OR “inflamm* caused by” OR “oxidative stress caused by” OR “neuropathology caused by” OR”diabetes caused by” OR “hypertension caused by” OR “high cholesterol caused by” OR”hypercholesterolemia caused by” OR “obesity caused by” OR “metabolic syndrome caused by” OR”Alzheimer* * induced by” OR “dementia induced by” OR “cognitive decline induced by” OR “brain*decline induced by” OR “functional decline induced by” OR “memory decline induced by” OR “cognitive deficit* induced by” OR “language deficit* induced by” OR “memory deficit* induced by” OR “plasticity deficit* induced by” OR “behavioral deficit* induced by” OR “saccade deficit* induced by” OR “learning deficit* induced by” OR “neuropsychological deficit* induced by” OR “cognitive impair* induced by”OR “vascular impair* induced by” OR “memory impair* induced by” OR “neurogenesis impair* induced by” OR “neuropsychological impair* induced by” OR “mind impair* induced by” OR “functional impair*induced by” OR “learning impair* induced by” OR ” executive function impair* induced by” OR”cognitive loss* induced by” OR “neuronal loss* induced by” OR “synaptic loss* induced by” OR”memory loss* induced by” OR “loss of memory induced by” OR “hearing loss* induced by” OR”volume loss* induced by” OR “Impair* face recognition induced by” OR “Impair* reasoning induced by” OR “Impair* judgment induced by” OR “Impair* problem solving induced by” OR “inflamm*induced by” OR “oxidative stress induced by” OR “neuropathology induced by” OR “diabetes induced by” OR “hypertension induced by” OR “high cholesterol induced by” OR “hypercholesterolemia induced by” OR “obesity induced by” OR “metabolic syndrome induced by”)



Lipopolysaccharides OR Malondialdehyde OR Neurotoxicity Syndromes OR Carbon Tetrachloride ORFormaldehyde OR 9,10-Dimethyl-1,2-benzanthracene OR Trinitrobenzenesulfonic Acid OR InsecticidesOR Endocrine Disruptors OR Diethylnitrosamine OR Hydrogen Peroxide OR Benzhydryl CompoundsOR Chemical Warfare Agents OR Asbestos OR Herbicides OR Organometallic Compounds ORScopolamine Hydrobromide OR Silicon Dioxide OR Polychlorinated Biphenyls OR 1-Methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine OR Benzo(a)pyrene OR Fluorocarbons OR Nitrogen Dioxide OR PolycyclicHydrocarbons, Aromatic OR Tetrachlorodibenzodioxin OR Metals, Heavy OR Hydrocarbons,Chlorinated OR Chemical Industry OR 1,2-Dimethylhydrazine OR Ethylene Glycol OR Nitrosamines ORBenzene OR Fluorides OR Agricultural Workers’ Diseases OR Bromodeoxyuridine OR Chromium OROrganophosphorus Compounds OR Organic Chemicals OR Carbon Monoxide OR BenzalkoniumCompounds OR Chlorpyrifos OR Organophosphates OR Organophosphate Poisoning OR VolatileOrganic Compounds OR Diethylhexyl Phthalate OR Sulfur Dioxide OR Petroleum OR MethylmercuryCompounds OR Chlorine OR Dichlorodiphenyl Dichloroethylene OR Hydrocarbons ORTrichloroethylene OR Carbon Tetrachloride Poisoning OR 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetic Acid ORAlkanesulfonic Acids OR Plasticizers OR Halogenated Diphenyl Ethers OR Benzene Derivatives ORDinitrofluorobenzene OR Toluene 2,4-Diisocyanate OR Benzopyrenes OR Cyclohexenes ORNitrobenzenes OR Plastics OR Trihalomethanes OR Hydrocarbons, Brominated

7A – Appendix 2 – Unambiguous MeSH Terms – Streamlined Approach

(“Drug-Related Side Effects AND Adverse Reactions” OR Abnormalities, Drug Induced ORAbnormalities, Radiation-Induced OR Agricultural Workers Diseases OR Aids Related OpportunisticInfections OR Air Pollutants OR Air Pollutants, Occupational OR Air Pollutants, Radioactive OR Air Pollution OR Air Pollution, Indoor OR Air Pollution, Radioactive OR Alcohol Drinking OR AlcoholRelated Disorders OR Alcoholic Beverages OR Alcoholic Intoxication OR Alcoholism OR AmphetamineRelated Disorders OR Amphetamines OR Arsenic Poisoning OR Asthma, Aspirin-Induced OR Asthma,Exercise-Induced OR Asthma, Occupational OR Behavior, Addictive OR Bullying OR CadmiumPoisoning OR Carbon Monoxide Poisoning OR Carbon Tetrachloride Poisoning OR CarcinogenicityTests OR Carcinogens OR Carcinogens, Environmental OR Causality OR Cardiomegaly, Exercise-Induced OR Chemical Warfare Agents OR Chemically-Induced Disorders OR Child Abuse OR ChildAbuse, Sexual OR Cholesterol, Dietary OR Ciguatera Poisoning OR Cocaine Related Disorders ORCytomegalovirus Infections OR Dermatitis, Occupational OR Diet, Atherogenic OR Diet, High Fat ORDietary Carbohydrates OR Dietary Fats OR Dietary Fats, Unsaturated OR Dietary Fiber OR DietarySucrose OR Domestic Violence OR Drug Contamination OR Drug Eruptions OR Drug HypersensitivityOR Drug Overdose OR Drug-Induced Liver Injury OR Dyskinesia, Drug Induced OR Eating DisordersOR Environmental Exposure OR Environmental Illness OR Environmental Pollutants OR EnvironmentalPollution OR Environmental Pollution OR Escherichia Coli Infections OR Fast Foods OR FluoridePoisoning OR Food Additives OR Food Contamination OR Food Hypersensitivity OR FoodborneDiseases OR Gas Poisoning OR Hazardous Substances OR Hazardous Waste OR Hearing Loss, NoiseInduced OR Heavy Metal Poisoning, Nervous System OR Hepatitis A, Chronic OR Hepatitis B, ChronicOR Hepatitis C, Chronic OR Heroin Dependence OR Herpesviridae Infections OR Htlv I Infections ORHypersensitivity OR Hypersensitivity, Delayed OR Hypersensitivity, Immediate OR Iatrogenic Disease OR Inhalation Exposure OR Iron Overload OR Lead Poisoning OR Lead Poisoning, Nervous System ORLead Poisoning, Nervous System, Adult OR Lead Poisoning, Nervous System, Childhood OR Leukemia,Radiation Induced OR Manganese Poisoning OR Marijuana Abuse OR Maternal Exposure OR MercuryPoisoning OR Mercury Poisoning, Nervous System OR Morphine Dependence OR Mptp Poisoning ORMushroom Poisoning OR Mutagenicity Tests OR Mutagens OR Neoplasms, Radiation Induced ORNeurotoxicity Syndromes OR Occupational Diseases OR Occupational Exposure OR Opioid RelatedDisorders OR Opportunistic Infections OR Organophosphate Poisoning OR Paternal Exposure OR PlantPoisoning OR Pneumonia, Ventilator-Associated OR Poisoning OR Poisons OR Prenatal ExposureDelayed Effects OR Psychoses, Substance Induced OR Radiation Effects OR Radiation Injuries ORRadioactive Hazard Release OR Radioactive Pollutants OR Respiratory Hypersensitivity OR Salmonella Food Poisoning OR Sedentary Lifestyle OR Shellfish Poisoning OR Sleep Deprivation OR SleepDisorders OR Sodium Chloride, Dietary OR Sodium, Dietary OR Soil Pollutants OR Soil Pollutants,Radioactive OR Spouse Abuse OR Staphylococcal Food Poisoning OR Staphylococcal Infections ORStreptococcal Infections OR Substance Abuse, Intravenous OR Substance Withdrawal Syndrome ORSubstance-Related Disorders OR Teratogens OR Tobacco Smoke Pollution OR Tobacco Use DisorderOR Toxicity Tests, Chronic OR Virus Diseases OR Vitamin D Deficiency OR Water Pollutants ORWater Pollutants, Chemical OR Water Pollutants, Radioactive OR Water Pollution OR Water Pollution, Chemical)




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